IO is an extremely powerful covert organization that had vast influence upon world affairs, with power surpassing that of national governments.
Starting as a collaboration between three influential dynasties, and later, Cold War spy Mercury White, IO was formed in 1945 by Paul Eckhart, James Ingram, and Thomas Alexander—the first iteration of the Partners. The second and last known Partner collective consisted of Jay Gatsby, Gaz Hotboi, and RamboMW.
IO as a mythical shadow government organization has inexhaustible financial resources. They also have access to the best intellectuals in the world, the most influential politicians in their ranks, and paramilitary security. Even terrorist organizations are employed by them.
Their position allows them access to the best technological resources of the world, from regenerative treatments to advanced robotics. They were even the ones who funded Ort-Meyer’s genetic engineering programs to engineer human clones with increased natural attributes.
These corporate, political, and cultural leaders owe their success, wealth, and careers to the hidden hand of IO, and serve their mysterious benefactors when required. To the public, they are some of the most powerful and widely known executives in the world. But within the IO hierarchy, the operatives are on a strict need-to-know basis. They are largely unaware of each other, have no idea who they are actually working for, and their assigned Herald is often their only point of contact.