Javelin & Idris Proprietor Club / IPROC

  • Club
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Security

Whether you own, commandeer or simply curious about the Aegis’ Capital Ships, you are welcome to be part of Javelin & Idris Proprietor Club.

Begin your journey today!



Since passing of First Surplus Act in 2801, no matter their banners, IFFs or flags, both decommissioned ex-military Idrises and Mark Two Peacemakers continue to be a source of grandeur and prestige to this day. While Idris Frigates are not luxury VIP transports like Origin’s 890 JUMPs, they inspire awe and stand tall in annals of history. Private ownership or simply commandeering one is a rare opportunity, reserved for distinguished individuals.

However some individuals went beyond owning a privatized warmachine, some aimed to provide a platform for prestigious owners of Idris Frigates…

Idris Proprietor Club (IPROC) became the newest embodiment of this goal. Founded in 2952, this fledgling ideal pushed forward to become a society in it’s own right.

The year of 2953 marked incorporation of Javelin proprietors, allowing privately owned Javelin-class Destroyers, smallest ship-of-the-line in UEE Navy, and their esteemed operators to be part of this privatized warship society.

While these vessels are not the poster child of UEE Navy, in the private sector, they are the most armored, shielded and most armed behemoths, unmatched in firepower and power projection.

In the opening days of Invictus Launch Week 2953, the Idris Proprietor Club rebranded itself as Javelin & Idris Proprietor Club (JAIPROC), officially recognizing and certifying Javelin ownership as a part of the club. With broadened horizons, a new wave of both fresh commanders as well as seasoned owners of Javelin Destroyers and Idris Frigates registered as certified proprietors.


“The Idris-P patrol design is available in limited quantities on the civilian market, and it continues to rehabilitate Aegis’ reputation, having become something of a luxury item. Idris captaincy is considered a prestigious position and Citizens frequently compete to purchase the limited number of civilian craft the company can produce. An Idris isn’t just a luxury item: these crewed ships can effectively transport cargo, explore distant worlds or take on any other role, all while involving a larger crew than a Freelancer or a Constellation.” – Aegis Dynamics

Javelin & Idris Proprietor Club (originally Idris Proprietor Club) is a place where Javelin and Idris owners, non-owners and curious alike can mingle together, exchanging information and resources related to the Aegis’ capital ships, sharing memorable moments involving their (favourite) frigate and form walls made of massive guns and torpedoes (or partake as a crew) in various systems (preferably against Vanduul) when their vessels’ production completes. Javelin & Idris Proprietor Club membership does not come with any fees for it’s members and is an entirely optional establishment.


Proprietor’s Charter:

0. Javelin & Idris Proprietor Club (will be referred as “JAIPROC”) is a neutral, independent entity that abides the local laws regardless of members’ other allegiances or ideologies.
1. JAIPROC membership does not precede members’ existing organization memberships, allegiances or relations to one another. Exceptions are specified in Article 2.
2. All members are expected to be civilized to one another and leave grievances behind.
2.1. Aggression is not tolerated during Club gatherings and/or events. Members may continue their feuds elsewhere.
2.2. Members are discouraged from initiating aggression against third parties such as other organizations, civilians/citizens or local law enforcement while operating under JAIPROC affiliation. Exceptions are listed in 2.2.1.
2.2.1. Members are encouraged to cooperate against Vanduul and entities cooperating with Vanduul if within capabilities at the time, without the requirement of being under attack.
2.3. Should an JAIPROC member come under attack while attending an JAIPROC gathering, event or other JAIPROC related things, rest of the JAIPROC, if within capabilities, are to help the member in distress and quell the aggressors.