Iron Wolves / IR0N

  • Faith
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Piracy
  • Exploration

“Our hearts are Iron, our souls are Iron” The chant

“To defend our home with blades and powder” Jotunn BearBlood

“Death came for us once and here we are” Weaver

“We will be the Specters of Caliban” Garmr

“I believe in peace, through violence, death and fear” Draugr IronBlood


While Outlaws in modern times the Iron Wolves trace their linage back to the UEE navy specifically a fleet of ground pounders and combat engineers with a small fleet tasked with defending their home system of Caliban.

Based out of a lost station orbiting the “Iron Giant” Caliban IV they inherited the name the “Iron Wolves” due to their pack tactics and generally aggressive behavior in combat.

Tasked with dealing with the Vanduuls constant skirmishes and attacks on the system, which they performed with distinction. It would all come to a end on the 7th of July 2884 when the order to hold the line against what was told to the Wolves to be a minor invasion fleet that could be overcome and that back up was coming, this minor fleet turned out to be the Vanduul largest fleet ever seen to this point and the back up did not exist. Instead they were being used as a distraction to save the lives of the civilians on Crion Caliban II.

3 days after the back up was ment to arrive and 6 days of conflicts with the Vanduul, it would all come to a head, the Wolves had reached out to the local outlaws groups to help evacuate the residence of the various platforms orbiting the Iron giant, which they did. But in doing so managed to gain the attension of the Vanduul Kingship, realizing defeat a leader of the Wolves at the time Weaver armed all the torpedoes on her corvette and rammed it into the kingship resulting in her death and that of her crew, all to put a dent in the kingship and cause enough confusions to allow everyone else to retreat to null.

In the confusion the remaining fleets under her command reluctantly followed her last order, to retreat through the null jump point with the civilians and outlaws.

The Crusade
Enraged, what was left of the fleet engaged in a crusade, lead by Weavers apprentices Draugr he would go after the retreating Admiral that with held the truth about the vanduul fleet size and witheld the back up from them, this all resulting in a 2 year crusade of bloody fighting that rivaling the fight against the Vanduul, this fighting created legends about the wolves some seeing them as something haunting them, the fighting eventually resulted in the admirals death and the Iron Wolves taking heavy losses becoming a mere shadow of what they once were by the loss of most of their fleet including the most senior Admiral Garmr. despite this they had become so extreme by this point that they saw this as a victory.

Iron Breaker
After the defeat of the admiral the Iron Wolves would act as Pirates, Outlaws and Mercenaries who would protect Non UEE aligned planets and systems from the Vanduul, recently the Wolves were at talkes with the governing factions of Leir when the UEE would spring a trap encircling and defeating the Fleet and their flagship Tyrant, when taken prisoner the navy would ask what to do with them and the civilians from Lier in the cross fire, the order to execute them was given by the UEE this caused problems with the various crews of the fleet and eventually led to what was left of the Iron Fleet breaking into the armory and capturing the ship escaping with a few new additions of crews who refused to follow the execute order to make up for the loss of 75% of the fleet.

The Iron Wolves were devastated by the trap coming to be known as the Iron Breaker Incident. The Fleets back was broken with only a hand full of surviving ships.

Files Corrupted

The wolves and the fleet that followed them created a station in unknown space orbiting a unkown Planet the location is so secret that it has been lost to time, but this station was once the crown jewel of the underworld a station that would attempt to be a freeport Weavers dream and Nexus for the outcasts of the UEE and a nation state in its own right a new home, a new Caliban. It was quite a successful station with bustling trade of everything and alliances made, the station would want for nothing. Including a defence fleet which housed a flag ship stolen from the UEE during IronBreaker a Battlecruiser with supporting ships to keep things civil.

The downfall of Yggdrasil
Like any outlaw station it would see many attempts of sabotage and power grabs but what would eventually spell its doom was the UEE navy finding the station and luanching a top secret invasion that would see the station destroyed with all hands, the Iron Wolves would defend the station till thier dying breath and thats what it came down too, with jump points being watched by the navy everyone in that system would die trying to escape, there was a battle with the defence fleet tried to evacuate as many people as they could and split up while the battlecruiser would provide a distraction this would prove fatal for it and the Admiral Draugr.

1r0n L0rd
Files Missing

The Return
The Iron Wolves would materialize seemingly out of the void again in the year 2940 again a good 50 years after they were thought to have been killed off, with sightings of Draugr or at least someone calling himself such and a striking resemblance to his armor and demeanor, who seems to have trouble staying dead living up to his name.

These remnants of the Iron Wolves are often are found among outlaw fleets feilding there tattered warships to strike fear into the UEE including incidents of publicly executing corporates leaders and diplomates.

Today the Iron Wolves are lead by a council of the captains of each ship of the Iron Flotilla, while no longer engaged in a crusade against the UEE they are none the less considered Outlaws after the assassination of a Admiral. With the loss of their home system to the Vanduul the Iron Wolves now are based out of a Flottila of ships known as the Iron Flotilla and keep port in many free ports through out the Verse.

The Iron Wolves still see the UEE as Traitors, still angered by the betrayal that lead to the death of Weaver the only person who could unite the Captains of the Iron Flotilla, and the loss of hundreds of men and women in both wars, then the Iron breaker.

We are the Specters of Caliban


The Brothers and Sisters of the Iron Wolves are devoted to the following tasks

-To purge the Vanduul from old human systems.
-To create a Alliance with other like minded Outlaws to create a nation state free from the UEE Traitors
-To create a terrible fleet capable of defending said Alliance
-To undermine UEE control in systems via acts of Deep Space Piracy
-To undermine the social elites of UEE space by either taking them hostage, getting them to join our cause or killing them

Fluff aside, The Iron Wolves is ment to be a close knit community of friends. Who know each others strenghts and weaknesses thus able to compensate for that. Working together to over come any obstacle and ultimately to have fun.


-Usual no abuse of people,sexual, racial or otherwise
-Keep out word Iron Wolves are ment to be honorable Pirates
-Try not to take the game too seriously were here for fun after all
-Have fun above all else
-Maximise social interaction