IRISH© Bounty Firm / IRISH

  • PMC
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Scouting

In this universe you need to provide a service to stand out, the more you can do, the more valuable you are. So what are our services? We hunt outlaws, do private investigations, also armored transport services. We provide other services, but most important among them is “We never break a contract.”


The “IRISH© Bounty Firm” was first formed in the year 2902 by founder John Grady, known better by his call-sign “Irish”, from which the firm gets its name. “Irish” spent several years patrolling systems In service to various professional Militias and Mercenary Companies alongside a small group of reliable wing-men and shipmates in “Morrigan Squad”. After years of underwhelming leadership, miles of red tape slowing the progress of justice, and nearly empty accounts on top of it all became jaded to their struggle. It soon became clear it was time to take matters into their own hands and make their own decisions, to strike out on their own and make a real difference, or get rich trying! Bounty hunting seemed a natural choice with their training and familiarity with certain criminal elements and was a way to make a real difference while making some good credits in the process. The small but effective Bounty hunting firm has grown in size, capabilities and even the types of jobs it takes on since its inception. Recently IRISH© has branched out into several new fields. Private investigations, private security, surveillance, scouting and secure transport services for VIP’s and valuable cargo. The list grows fast and often to encompass new services regularly! The life of a bounty hunter can be wrought with danger. Many of the original founders and several employees of IRISH© have met an early demise in the field. Bounty hunting is not a career for the weak of heart, mind or body. In 2933 “Johnny Irish” found his end on what should have been an easy job showing no one is immune to occasionally having an “off day”, but his legacy lives on in the company he built and the family both blood or battle brothers and sisters he left behind. Ian Grady now runs the firm in his fathers stead and has promised more of what everyone has come to expect from IRISH© Bounty Firm and it’s core principles .

- Honor your contract, never break it willingly -
- Keep the secrets of IRISH© and its Contractors-
- Kill no innocents in pursuit of your contract –


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.