Iron Company / IRONCMPNY

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Freelancing

Welcome to Iron Company,

A Semi-nomadic Mercenary and Mercantile Fleet

We are currently Hiring and Recruiting Captains and Crew in the following areas;

- Security and Escort Contractors

- Transport and Logistics

- Refuelling

- Exploration

Is this you?

If so enquire within!



Iron Company, founded in 2953 with the purpose of putting together a semi nomadic Mercenary Flotilla, with the goal of being sufficiently self-sustaining, either through contract work such as protection, escort or goods transportation. Or by the Selling of goods and other miscellaneous services.

With such goals in mind our cadre of captains are not all specialised in combat, with our major focuses being; Exploration, Transport, Logistics support (Fuel & Salvage) and of course our Naval units, including but not limited to Carriers and other Capital class vessels.
The Iron Company assists both the UEE and Civilian Defence Force along with other private firms to achieve their objectives, ranging from area denial, asset retrieval, asset deployment, Civilian and private firm escort deployments.

Along with other non combat roles such as Transport and shipping of smaller vessels, vehicles and goods our non-combat ships and crew have been found to provide Aid to downed, stranded or lost citizens, take jobs and roles as support ships and crews as well as members of Exploration teams, seeking hidden treasures lost to time immemorial.
The Iron Company can currently be found operating in the Stanton system but has plans to move the Pyro system in the not too distant future.

While all Iron Company members have received combat training, we do not participate in unsanctioned killing, harassing or kidnapping of innocents
Similarly Iron Company Captains reserve the right to accept or decline contracts at their own behest, so long as they do not break our core principals.


Core Principles:

1) Real Life First – This is a leisure activity, do not sacrifice your health, relationships, finances, or wellbeing for this organisation.

2) Common Courtesy – Treat people with respect and dignity at all times. Avoid intentionally controversial conversations.

3) Servant Leadership – All Captains have been voted into their position by their peers, and to ensure members are not subjected to absent, disengaged, or toxic superiors, these leaders can be subjected to votes of no confidence. If you agree to a duty and are unable to fulfil it, communicate this and step aside with grace.

4) Competition Without Malice – Treat your adversary with respect. Do not engage in griefing. Further, we recognize that while infiltration is unavoidable, we do not tolerate behaviours intended to physically, financially, or psychologically harm anyone.

5) We Play The Game We Have –We accept the good and the bad, focusing on the present and near-term developments as we enjoy the project’s progression

6) Casual but Competitive – We are a Casual group and run many fun and engaging events, however, when the time comes to take it seriously, we do, this means during events, especially with other Companies, Collectives or Orgs, Comms chatter is kept to a minimum. This allows all information to be given uninterrupted and speed the process along. Everyone’s time is valuable, let’s not waste it.

POLICIES: To be added at a later date.