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The Jesters / JESTERS

  • Syndicate
  • Hardcore
  • Piracy
  • Piracy

The Jesters are dedicated to only one thing, Piracy.

We will only review applications from the following:

1) Current members of the Jesters Gaming Community
2) VANU/TR/NC Outfits on the Cobalt server in Planetside 2
3) Friends of Jesters#
4) We do not accept applicants from Multiple Orgs


We do not accept applicants from Multiple Organisations

*Recruitment is by invitation only

Currently we will only review applications from the following:

1) Current members of the Jesters Gaming Community
2) VANU/TR/NC Outfits on the Cobalt server in Planetside 2
3) Friends of Jesters (You will need to be sponsored by your friend in your application post on our forums)
4) We do not accept applicants from Multiple Orgs (You must maintain your status as visible)

We all currently live in a more civilized world compared to our primitive past, or at least most of us like to think so. As humans, our parents teach us to respect other people, don’t pick on smaller children and don’t take their stuff without permission. If you are caught calling other children names or stealing their things you are punished by an adult. Eventually you unwittingly evolve into a respectable member of society that will get a job, find a partner and eventually have kids of your own and the whole horrible process repeats itself all over again.

For many Jesters, our role is to break this horrible cycle through the medium of video games- specifically Star Citizen. What society doesn’t want you to know is that picking on smaller people and taking their stuff is hilariously good fun. Working with other people in games to achieve other people’s misery helps in this regard. Pirating, scamming and ransoming will all be legit tactics in Star Citizen and this is where we come in.

As pirates, you will be the scum of the galaxy, the thorn in the UEE’s side and will probably be considered as the 13 year cod fan boys for many of more respectable Star Citizen player-base. But being part of a successful pirate organisation will be infinitely more enjoyable and camaraderie within a fun bunch of pirates is second to none.

Pirates are never bored- or at least a good pirate will always find ways of keeping himself occupied. Whether it’s solely hunting through the quiet space lanes throughout the day, or joining the roaming fleets in the evening to decimate the more delicious kills, or maybe simply solo PvPing an ally so that you can boast to your fellow pirates later, there is always stuff you can do.
The best part about it: active and successful pirates usually evolve into the best PvPers in games, they fly with the most optimal setups and they know every enemy ship and every weakness like the back of their hand.

Would you like to know more?

check out our forums at


Our intentions?
We want Chaos across the galaxy and we aren’t that bad at it. We are known in many games for generally being douches towards the little guy. We love extracting tears and many of us are experienced players of Eve Online, Rust, Dayz and Planetside 2.

Our Motives?
We do this for fun. We enjoy it. We’re a little sick in the head that way.

Our Views?
We feel that the Star Citizen community is way too friendly. This needs addressing through piracy. There’s a storm coming, Mr. Wayne. Star Citizens. You and your friends better batten down the hatches, because when it hits, you’re all gonna wonder how you ever thought you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us.

Would you like to know more?

Apply on our forums at
Join our teamspeak address:


Recruitment Rules
We do not accept applicants who are a member of Multiple Organisations
All applicants must apply on our forums at
All applicants must be present on teamspeak to join

Internal Rules for all Jesters
(These guidelines apply to you’re when your dealing with other Jesters and allies)

  • No scamming, attacking, robbing or smack talking other organisations within the Jesters or allies.
  • 1v1’s must be honoured between other Jesters and allies.
  • You will be kicked if you join any other organizations

External Rules for all Jesters

Apart from the few rules above, we do not have external guidelines to how you act in Star Citizen. Seriously, The Jesters have no morals. If you manage to shoot a guys warp drive, and then ransom his ship, and then take the ransom money, and then blow up his ship anyway, and then get out of your ship in a space suit and teabag the wreck of his ship, and then get a friend to take a snapshot of you teabagging his ship, and then mail him the picture with a message saying “learn to fly nubcake, thanks for the ransom money and trolling him” that would be totally acceptable, approved and applauded within this organisation.

You will still be expected to have some basic sense when it comes to PvP and will need to bring certain fits to certain roaming fleets- but that will be discussed elsewhere

Would you like to know more?

Apply on our forums at
Join our teamspeak address: