Iron Storm Legion / JH0

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Exploration

“Audaces Fortuna Iuvat”

Fortune Favors The Bold


FORTUNE FAVORS THE BOLD In 2946 a couple of former ex military brothers in arms decided to split with the norm and branch out. Not happy with their last few years of service they came to the conclusion to make life fun again. Teaming up, the former marine and pilot decided to start calling the shots, and doing so with the notion of keeping it interesting. From taking on overwhelming odds, hunting the worst of the worst, to discreetly executing crucial tasks with pinpoint precision and finesse. They now bring together the best pilots, soldiers and people in the Galaxy. Audaces Fortuna Luvat


The Iron Storm Legion:

Performs professional services for clients including but not limited too; Exploration, data collection and distribution, convoy protection, pirate eradication / bounty hunting and armored freight transport.


These are the core principals we serve under. Following these three simple principles allow us to provide service with integrity and efficiency, allowing for the successful completion of our contract for the client.

Join us on our Discord server :


The use of Discord is a must for this unit. Our Discord link is

RULE #2 HAVE FUN this is a game, enjoy it.
RULE #3 Show respect to your fellow soldiers, and members of the community. This is a big family (community) treat it is a such.
RULE #4 Play the game as you want, we have no play expectations. This is your story but we as a group will help you make it. There is 1 caveat though; we are NOT pirates! We will not tolerate members of Iron Storm Legion committing piracy against other players of any kind. Unless, it is part of a contract / mission that we are performing as a unit, or is against NPCs.