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Jomsvikings / JOMSVIKING

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Engineering

Exploring, trading, crafting, and hunting down slaver scum! Pirates, Citizens, and everyone in-between are welcome!


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Our goals in the verse revolve around three main activities:

Our primary goal in the verse is to explore the verse and to discover all that there is to discover.

Our secondary goal is to provide support services primarily aimed at deep space exploration such as refueling, rearming, and if need be, resupplying / offloading of goods. If non org members request these services, we shall provide them with profits going to the org.

However, if slavers are discovered in the course of our activities, we will switch gears and will track them until we can muster enough forces to capture the vessel and free the slaves. If that is not possible, Intel on their position shall be sold at a discount to bounty hunters.

Defensive training drills to repel attackers and to clear expedition sites of hostiles will be optional but recommended. Military ships will also receive the same deep space services as normal vessels in the fleet, but will take priority over other ships after all ships are at least in a stable condition.


Jomsviking Operating Charter

1: The primary goal of Jomsviking is deep space exploration and science, with an integrated deep space services wing to aid in supplying space craft in long duration missions. No criminal activity shall take place while on Jomsviking’s ships or duties.

2: Definition of operational Wings:
The Wings of our organization will be split into four distinct areas, Exploration and Science, Logistics and Engineering, Resource Extraction, and Defense Forces.

2a: Exploration and Science
The Exploration and science wing, revered to afterwords as E&S, is the primary wing of our org and is tasked with both long duration and deep space exploration and science work. Exploration will focus on the outer rim worlds, though training runs for new recruits and special events may draw us to the core worlds. Fleets are to consist of one science vessel and one exploration vessel working as a team. Secondary goal is to detect Slaver activities and report them to higher ups in the chain of command.

2b: Logisics and Engineering:
The Logistics and Engineering team are to support the efforts of ships in deep space, with a secondary goal of selling these services to other players in need. support activities include but are not limited to: field repair, in-flight refueling, in-flight rearming, cargo transfers and delivery of found goods to market, medical care, and derelict ship recovery. Such fleets will contain a mix of support craft but will at least be able to repair and refuel ships for return to a proper port of call. Ideal fleets will have ships dedicated to Repair, Refueling, Resupply, and Medical ships. These fleets may be roaming to support multiple fleets or are to be attached to fleets that are in more dangerous areas.

2c: Militia & Liberation
The Milita and Liberation wing is tasked with first and foremost the hunting down of slavers. Protection of the fleet is secondary. Most military wings are to be attached to support fleets or attached to ground stations. Marines and gunners will be given to exploration fleets in potentially risky areas.

3: Payment for org members is to be determined after maintenance of all ships in the operation. (Defined as repair, rearming, and refueling a craft after a mission.)