FailVanderbijl / JRAS

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

Howzit!!! We is are making big KAK in a GROOT scale!! We is are ook like exploring the space op a spaceskip!
Join ons teams, we is very bly yous to kom!! (Net nie in die skip nie)


Operating in the Stanton system, FAILVANDERBIJL was established as a mercenary organization by a group of mercenaries with an extensive military background from a unit known as JRAS. Not much is known about this group other than that they were contracted do do the jobs where others have failed. Some (if not all) of the members of FAILVANDERBIJL is somewhat, to put it lightly, not all there. But when they are on a mission they operate like a well oiled machine with every member giving his all and working as a professional in his field.


FAILVANDERBIJL only have one thing in mind. Do the job and do it right, wiping out anyone standing in their way. All members are treated with respect and anyone from outside with the wrong attitude towards a member of the org will be dealt with in a very specific and harsh way.
Respect goes a long way…


The rules are simple:

Have respect for your fellow man
Have respect for org members
Carry the name of the org with respect and,
Eliminate any and all who disrespects the name or any member of FAILVANDERBIJL