77th Jester Squadron / JSQ

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Social
  • Security


We have it…


The purpose of the 77th is to get a group of ne’er-do-wells together, who value a good time above all else…Hence, dogfighting skills, trading skills or any in-game skills are not at all important to join this merry band of men (and women). If you show up and hilarity ensues, you’re in.

After all, ‘splodin together can be as fun as winning together, provided the company is to die for.

This is also why Jester Squadron might not be for everyone…Therefore, unless there’s a good reason to do things differently, membership into the 77th Jester Squadron is by invitation only. However, once you’ve been accepted into the fold, your membership will never be terminated and you will remain a member of the squadron as long as the Jester Squadron continues to exist.

If you feel you need to be a part of this ruckus, make us laugh and make us want to hang out with you…that is the only way to earn your place in the Jester Squad.


If it’s not fun, then what’s the point…