Karma eXtreme / KARMEX

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

Welcome to Karma – Private Security, extreme situations & operations specialists. KarmeX for short.

“No questions, Just solutions.”
No nonsense protection from the dark forces that want to part you from your hard won credits.


Founded in 2891 under the name KPSxS, Karma Private Security & Safety was initially a ground level security firm offering assistance and training to corporations on the frontier for a number of years increasing the general welfare and safety of UEE citizens across the settled worlds.

However due to corporate interest being internalising security and eliminating the need to contract out to such companies as KPSxS the CEO and poster-child of the company at the time; John Mayfair decided to restructure KPSxS into KarmeX – Karma: Private Security, Extreme Situations & Operations specialists.

A new Space based corporation was born and KarmeX would reach out to the stars. A decision that has since proved decisive in a number of defences from Vanduul attacks, pirates and other despicable individuals that would have seen our clients dead and their wares and credits lost.

Today KarmeX stands as a testament to the protection of free trade and the peace of mind of our clients while travelling between worlds.


“No questions, Just solutions.” – The KarmeX Slogan and mantra of many of our pilots.

Karma – Private Security, extreme situations & operations specialists (KarmeX or Karma eXtreme for short), is a specialist paramilitary entity who’s main body is composed of a tightly affiliated group of trusted pilots and contractors who seek to offer security and peace of mind to our clients in return for shared financial gain.

KarmeX’s primary motives are to;
  • Ensure the financial and physical protection of our clients up to but not exceeding the mandate of our contract with said client.
  • Obtain new & maintain current contracts and offer a steady flow of work and credits to our pilots.
  • Maintain a open door policy to potential future pilots and recruits
  • To Ensure the long term well-being of KarmeX and it’s staff

If you think you fit the bill and want to become part of this proud organisation with a rich history and a solid reputation for getting the job done do not hesitate to contact your local recruiter or find us with your Omni Glass browser by searching ‘Karma eXtreme’.


In order to be a pilot or contractor under our banner you must;
  • Currently be in good standing (Not Wanted) with UEE Security forces (those with previous felonies will be considered but may have to serve a probationary period)
  • Uphold the terms of the contract(s) you take regardless of personal standing.
  • Refrain from taking action against other pilots and contractors of KarmeX unless previously approved by a KarmeX Security council or a individual who has obtained the rank of Colonel.
  • Be 21 years of age or over (special exceptions may apply with the prior consent of a Major or higher).
  • While on operation, Pilots must follow the orders of superior officers and contractor captains must defer to KarmeX pilots decisions where reasonable.
Pilots and Contractors are encouraged to;
  • Take bounty contracts as and when they are available.
  • Take Security contracts when none are available through KarmeX Channels.
  • Promote and protect KarmeX interests when possible and reasonable to do so.

If you think you fit the bill and want to become part of this proud organisation with a rich history and a solid reputation for getting the job done do not hesitate to contact your local recruiter or find us with your Omni Glass browser by searching ‘Karma eXtreme’.