House Khagarn / KHAGARN

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For the Family and the Glory of House Khagarn.


The Founding

Rogen Zandimar was born into a military family and quickly enlisted at a young age. Due to the influence of his family he was able to rise up the ranks quickly, but distinguished himself as a qualified commander when his patrol came under attack from pirates. A stern and often cold individual Zandimar would push those under his command to be the best they could be, quickly gaining them a reputation of dare devil maneuverers under pressure. Despite his hard nature however Zandimar was also very open about himself and had a strong comradery with those under his command.

During the second Teviarn war Zandimar was promoted to admiral and became famous for his victory at the Maelstrom cluster, earning the nickname Khan. For the next year Zandimar was taken off the frontlines and sent to numerous worlds in order to help boost the already swelled recruitment numbers. It was on this tour that he was invited onto the planet Luara, along with a number of veteran war hero’s, to join the Governors ambitious Noble house project. At the time Zandimar wasn’t interested seeing it as a publicity stunt by the governor in order to improve his own reputation. It’s not recorded why Zandimar accepted the title in the end, but he likely had no idea how much it would change his life.

Zandimar’s tour ended and he returned to the frontlines to oversee the final great conflicts of the war. It had become clear to many that the Teviarn had already lost, but it would take another year before the fighting would end in a dramatic fashion. After the Teviarn scuttled their ships on Kaleeth it’s said Zandimar became reclusive, not even turning up to his own award ceremony.

Zandimar retired shortly afterwards and left for Luara settling into his new wealth and land granted him by the Governor. This would have probably been the end of Khan’s story if not for a chance meeting with one of his old subordinates. He discovered that his old squadrons had been put out to pasture over the years after the war, spilt up to serve security duties bereft of purpose or achievement.

For almost three years Zandimar searched out his old subordinates and inviting each of them to Luara, and most importantly to join him as an official family. Returning home the Khan greeted his old men with the word “Before we were just Brothers in arms, but today we are true brothers of one Family”

Under the khan’s guidance House Khagarn become a meritocracy, granting new rights and privileges for those who displayed talent and dedication. Upon his death the Khan would leave a legacy of strength, honour and the joy that no one in his family would ever be left alone ever again.


The planet Luara has finished terraforming and settlers begin to move onto the planet. A temporary government is setup to ensure law and order is kept.

A new government is officially sanctioned and run by a man called Governor Tarus. He rules the planet like a small kingdom granting rights to those who can pay for them and ignoring the original settlers.

The Governor invites a number of veterans from the Second Tevarin War and grants them land and government contracts. He allows each to take on noble titles and begin officially sanctioned dynasty’s. The Governor is accused of corruption and the noble houses are lambasted as an expensive pet project.

With the war over a number of veterans are invited to join the noble houses. With the sudden influx of skilled soldiers and their armaments the noble houses become a serious power on the planet.

Governor Tarus passes away and Governor Hetical takes his place. The new governor is accused of being timid in the face of the noble houses and allegations quickly rise that he is being bought by them. Public protects are short lived as the Houses demonstrate their own power combined with the local security forces.

House Khagarn rises as one of the more powerful of the Houses after they successfully seize total control of the planets spaceports.

The leader of House Janrafy is killed in a hunting accident. The House falls into disorder and fractures until losing everything. Rebels are accused of orchestrating the accident after evidence of foul play is discovered, but others suspect that it was done by another House.

A new wave of public protest grips the planet but the protestors are beaten back by the security forces. The Houses begin an ambitious campaign to improve the populace’s standard of living and lifting some of their restrictions for membership.

Resentment still lingers among the populace but the Houses have effectively diverted the anger away from themselves and begin actively supporting peaceful protests. Some accuse them of hypocrisy and trying to play the middleman in a crisis they helped create.

With images of Garron II playing in the background the people rise up and lay siege to planets government. The Governor is killed in the clashes and House Brakken is sacked and their holdings burnt to the ground. Damage is rampant but the other houses survive either from guile or physical force.

A Governor is sent from the new UEE and vows to clean up the corruption and tackle the power of the Noble Houses.

House Sestra loses their land and factories under the assault of a number of lawsuits. They take to the stars in order to etch a new life for themselves, however their new operations are disrupted by pirates and they fall apart.

House Khagarn loses its government contract to build ships but retains financial control over the spaceports.

Conspiracy of the Silver Eagle (Pre-Game)



“Nobility is not a birth right. It is something earned”
-Khan Rogen

House Khagarn is an organisation founded on the principles of family and nobility, its members striving for excellence in order to bring further glory to the House. But the House’s greatest hour has long since passed, will a new generation be able to restore glory to the name Khagarn?

Noble Calling

Unlike the ancient noble houses of earth House Khagarn is not a single family bloodline but is actually made up of a number of different families. These families come from all manner of backgrounds, from rich merchants to poor smugglers, but at one point or another were invited to join House Khagarn.

Family is taken very seriously within House Khagarn as members are encouraged to treat one another as if they were blood relatives. Family members are taught to live by the founding tenets and to always protect and care for their new family. But life is never simple when it comes to nobility and House Khagarn is run like a meritocracy, where talent and success means everything.

But the House’s destiny lies in the hands of each of its members. Will the Houses values stay true, upholding the law and honour? Or will they descend into corruption and violence?

The Organisation

House Khagarn is an rp guild with a focus on narrative and player choice. The goal of the guild is to create a community to explore the Star Citizen setting with the trappings of a noble family of ages past, exploring the themes of family and honour.

Achievement is important to the House as members strive to earn higher noble titles in order to increase their status, thus members are allowed to pursue whatever career they like. Hierarchy is a little loose and there will be plenty of opportunity for players who want to lead events to do just that.

Conspiracy of the Silver Eagle

The year is 2843 and the cracks in the once great power of the noble houses have begun to show. Outlaws have become more daring and the local government has attempted all it can to claw power back to itself.

In the midst of all this struggle the academy of House Khagarn has opened its door once more to take on new and young members of the family. It is a time of jubilation and honour, but will anyone survive the dark machinations of House Khagarns many enemies?

To celebrate the guilds founding I will be running an online tabletop text game set in the history of the Star Citizen universe on a non-cannon world lorded over by rivaling noble houses and circled by cyber punk outlaws. It will be up to the players to unravel the conspiracy threatening them and the dark secrets of House Khagarns lineage.



The laws of House Khagarn have changed as often as its figurehead has, but the four Tenets make up the heart and soul of the family.

Tenet I: Always act to benefit your Family
Tenet II: Protect your Family
Tenet III: Uphold the honour of your Family
Tenet IV: Never betray your Family