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Black Shields / KILLTEAM

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Security

We are the Black Shields, a drifting community of captains and warriors bound together by twists of fate. Loyalty, Duty, and courage in the face of overwhelming odds. If these traits define you, then perhaps you may be fortunate enough to call one of our mighty roaming fleets Home. Enlist Today!


You walk into a desolate bar on the outskirts of a rundown space port. Old florescent lights buzz over head and soft music can be heard playing in the background. A strange man in a dusty leather coat sees you walk in and beckons you to sit with him. On his shoulder you see the winged sword patch that you have been searching for..

Who are the Black Shields?

“Look out into the black. See that small shimmer in the darkness between the stars? That’s us, out on the broken edge of space. We don’t like to draw too much attention to ourselves, we’re shy like that, so we stay far from any eyes and ears that may get too curious about us. But you, you’re different. I can see the fire in your eyes and the thirst for adventure and freedom. I’m not trying to scare you with any voodoo or mind games. I’ll leave that to the Holy men that preach in the inner systems. I’m just saying what we both know is already true. That’s why you’re still here and haven’t taken off for the nearest transport off-world. Don’t you worry about my friends on the edge out there. They’re good folks, always looking to help those in need and such. It’s just our way, our code, our ethos. It runs in your blood, an ingrained sense of honor. You can’t fight it, none of us can. It’s something that goes back far before you were ever born. Let me give it to you straight, you might want to lean in close for a moment.

The Black Shields are a coalition of ships, captains, soldiers, and individuals brought together by a common purpose. That purpose is simple; to protect and defend all the forgotten corners of this vast Empire. All the little systems that are either too far or too unimportant to warrant the UEE Navy’s attention when threatened. Now before I dive deeper, I’ll let you know that some of our brothers background’s are a little more ‘colorful’ than others. Hell, even my record has more than a few stains on it. But as long as you stay true to our ways and don’t intentionally cause good folks to suffer, we welcome you just the same. We’ve got traders, miners, explorers, and more than a few of the former military types. There a large variety of personalities that feel called to serve within our militia, and we make sure to train them into a powerful fighting force. How you earned your living in a previous life is your business, your loyalty and determination is all that matters to us. Because when you join up with the ‘Shields, you join up to become a member of a family.

Ultimately, that’s what pulled me in. All my life I felt like I had been searching for something bigger and greater than myself. I never really got along with my folks, ran away from home pretty young and lived a wanderers life ever since. But joining up with the Black Shields felt right, it made SENSE, and above all; gave me Purpose. They trained me to use a weapon and operate a station, and taught me what it means to be a valued member of a team.

Take as much time as you need to think it over, but I know you’ll be back. And when you get here, I’ll have a nice glass of Vega whisky waiting.

See you soon, brother. “

They say it was the Black Shields that stopped the advance of the Res Volin Separatists at Pisese Prime. Is that true?

“It certainly is, but there’s not a damn thing heroic about it. Just the ‘Shields doing what they do best: Raining hell on those that deserve it. The Separatists had assembled themselves a fleet and felt like it was their job to ‘liberate’ peaceful worlds from the Empire. Most of these worlds were on the far fringes of UEE space, and with the Navy stretched thin they were practically powerless to intervene. When the people of Pisese called for help from anyone who would listen, the Black Shields answered. All our brothers and sisters dedicated any ships they had to the cause. The ships that could fight stayed in orbit to repel the attacking enemy while the ships that couldn’t began evacuating large city populations off-planet. Even though we were outnumbered and outgunned, we were able to rely on the knowledge and experience of our leaders to help us out maneuver and defeat the enemy. We broke the Separatists fleet that day, and soon the UEE Navy arrived to clean up the mess on the other attacked systems, but by then we were long gone. Just a whisper of a memory. And that’s the way we like it. There are many stories like this one. Stories about lone ‘Shields smuggling food and medical supplies through planetary blockades, or brothers enlisting in the Army of some poor local militia to defeat oppressive gangs. But I will save those tales for another time. For now, let us drink to the memory of those who gave their lives for what they believed in. Here, here!!”


Look. The Black Shields don’t exist to step on toes and tell people how to run their lives outside the fleet. We all come from different branches of the Empire, some a little less fortunate than others. For that reason we typically turn the other cheek when it comes to ‘less than reputable activities’ from your past. But once you become a member, you will be held to a tight standard. You will be trained in the various roles and positions needed within the collective, and when you prove your worth you will be assigned to one of our fabled Battle Groups. We travel the ‘verse, standing as the first (and sometimes ONLY) line of defense for the fringes of the far systems. We take up arms against the dangers of uncharted space, and we are one of the very few groups that willingly explore new and potentially unstable jump points. With the aid of our expert navigators, we are able to use these temporary rifts to out-maneuver our enemies and expand our patrols. Now I know what you’re thinking, “can’t we just use the star map and use the known jump points?”. Well sure, if we wanted to slam head on into a Vanduul War Fleet. We utilize tactics and cunning just as readily as we do our weapons and ships. We keep watch in the darkness. Ever ready, and ever vigilant.
