Knights Of The Blood Oath / KOB

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Exploration

Welcome to the home of the Knights Of The Blood Oath. A friendly organisation which strives to be the best. You don’t need to be a fan of Sword Art Online to join, all are welcomed with open arms. We now have a forum at


Knights of the Blood Oath is a medium-sized, high-level clearing guild in Sword Art Online. Consisting of about thirty high leveled members who are all greatly experienced in battle, they are acknowledged as the lead guild in SAO.


We are looking for players who want to help us create the greatest organisation for the greatest game, we are looking for players who wish to do all the professions that Star Citizen has to offer. with us being a small organisation (currently) we will be allowing members to climb the ranks quickly and easily.

What We Offer To Members:
FREEDOM, to do everything that star citizen has to offer, you want to explore? Go find the farthest planet in to universe, you want to be a merchant and sell your wares to the civilians? there will be stalls for your use. The only profession we wont tolerate is piracy, we want star citizen to be a friendly place. No person will be limited to what they can do, if you fell up to it you could do everything!

The Plan
The plan for the Knights Of The Blood Oath is to enjoy all of what Star Citizen has to offer. when the game is released, our first objective will be to secure an area in fringe space to establish a base of operations and expand from that area.

Our army will be second to none. we may not be the largest, but that wont stop us from making a huge impact whenever we are involved.


We could be really boring and list thousands of rules that you must abide by, however that would be boring and off putting. so what we are going to say is “use your head”, if this doesn’t work and the freedom we offer is abused then we will make a list of laws that must be followed, so please don’t abuse it. As we now have a forum could members or interested potential members join it, the address is