Killer Operational Gathering & Acquistions / KOGA

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Infiltration
  • Resources

Space can be a dangerous place, it make defense and sometimes combative action a necessity.

We at KOGA believe that equally important are the resources and materials needed to keep our ships flying amongst the stars.


Koga began as an unlikely band of rogues willing to help out when times were hard. Links to the “Koga” Clan of Shinobu from feudal Japan were never clear. The goal was never profit, though profit was needed to keep the lights on.
Unlike many orgs, Koga was never driven to expand. Held together by bonds of trust and respect, the organization remained small and was often overlooked by the bigger players. Through the centuries of upheaval that followed humanity’s spread across the stars, Koga spread with it.
Though the names of the founding members are largely forgotten, their legacy lives on. If you fall on hard times and know where to look, you’ll find Koga in nearly every human system.

“What? Stolen?! I’ll have you know I inherited this from my Grandfather! … Seriously now, how about a hundred k?” - Inebriated Koga member, 2255

“Some have tried to compare Koga to the mafia. This is deeply hurtful and untrue. The mafia are amateurs.” - Koga Captain (Also a ship captain), Terra system, 2670

“No, we’re not the damned Mafia. They talk a good line but they’ll shiv you for pocket change. You want to deal with us? You keep your word,” - Retired Koga member, Nyx system, 2671

“I’m not gonna stab you in the back, man. I catch you behind the bar again though I might shoot you in the ass,” - Irate bar owner, known Koga hangout, 2720


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