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Knights of the Flame / KOTF

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Resources
  • Security

Knights of the Flame members have been around patrolling the universe for many a millennia. Started out as a Mining organization and expanded into Engineering now comprises over many different academics as an odd jobs group. Members consists of many different races collected together over the years.


For years now The Knights have roamed the stars acquiring resources and knowledge. The Corporation has been through major ups and downs but continues on in some manor. It is a strong willed group of individuals of many races which have gathered together over the years which provides an extremely diverse set of minds and ideas allowing the corporation to stay afloat with constant releases of new products.


The Knights goals are to simply expand into unknown markets and further our grasp on markets we have already acquired. We wish to grow and our a peaceful Corporation but are like a cornered animal when pushed to far. We only wish peace but war does not bother us.


Rules are simple in the with the Knights,
Do not question authority, there is probably a good reason that you are being asked to do something, so do it.
If operations are being carried out and a member clocks in, ask and send an invite to join said operation.
If CEO or Co-CEO are logged in and are performing an operation and a member clocks in and is asked to join it is not required but appreciated if said member joins the operation regardless. Permission may be requested to delay joining of the operation or a request of absenteeism may be made if member has required errands they wish to perform before or instead.
Please do not argue, it is unbecoming and reduces the fun other members are looking to have.