Kriegg / KRIEGG

  • Corporation
  • Hardcore
  • Resources
  • Trading

Someone has taken our tag, so we’re going to create an empire to destroy them.


The KRIEGG or KRGG is a guild initially closely linked to the Foxhole game. Over the years we’ve grown, evolved and transformed into a multi-gaming guild.

  • We’re a guild with over 2,300 members, and our members are big farmers and people who don’t sleep much. Thanks to our members, we have the distinction of having more than 35 nationalities represented and therefore a very wide coverage of our time-zones. Most of our members and officers speak several languages. However, we only have two official languages at the moment, French and English. These two languages represent the majority of our members.
  • Loyalty, tryhardness and farming are the three pillars of our guild. We are determined, bold and combative. We will always seek diplomacy and compromise.

For the moment, the guild is mainly focused on Foxhole. But we also have a World Of Warcraft guild, and New World even though the game is dead). We’ll be coming out in force on Star Citizen when the build is discovered and introduced into the game. We know a lot about farming and organisation, so we can’t wait to discover this part of the gameplay, which we’re sure will be reserved for the best guilds.

  • To sum up, we only have a few players who are already playing Star Citizen. For the moment, they’re our richest players and therefore the most hype, or our testers to accumulate the most XP and knowledge about the game. They’re our craziest players.
    We can’t wait to see how the game progresses over the coming months and years, and to land on our first planet for the first time and start mass resource production.

If you would like to join us :


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


We are following the development of Star Citizen very closely. We’ll be coming along to check out the game with our guild when the build is added. We can’t wait.