King Ram's Young Legion / KRYL

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Freelancing

Heirs to Domain, Kings and Queens of the Slums, Legionnaires of the Stars, the Young Legion is looking to take back what we see as rightfully ours.

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2940: The planet Domain III is wracked with gang wars spanning across all the continent-sized cities. Initiated by the Black Diamond Tribes of the Western Block upon the Central Block gangs to secure more territory, the war is brutal and unforgiving. The Central Block gangs unite into the Central Confederation. The two superpowers spread their influence and power to gain an edge.

2941: The Black Diamond Tribes evolve into the Black Diamond Kingdom. Headed by King Rahmati and Queen Yulsutra, the crime lords make final pushes to secure the remainder of the planet not yet taken. The Central Confederation makes inroads with the planetary military through corruption.

2942: The planetary Government falls to the BDK. The CC is pushed to the brink of defeat but holds on.

2943: The Central Confederation uses nuclear and electromagnetic weaponry to fight the Black Diamond Kingdom. Crime Queen Yulsutra and Crime King Rahmati are killed. The Western and Central Blocks are destroyed. The Northern, Southern and Eastern Blocks go dark. Now the official planetary government, the CC hunts and purges what remains of the BDK while rebuilding those blocks that are still intact.

2948: The Crime Prince, Ram II is rumored to have made a final attack on the Capital Spire in Eastern Block, backed by the orphans of the BDK nobility. He fails and escapes the massacre that ensues. The BDK is wiped out.

2950: The survivors arrive in Stanton and seek to make a name for themselves. Choosing Ram, son of Rahmati and Yulsutra, as their King, they form the Young Legion. Heirs to Domain, Kings and Queens of the Slums, Legionnaires of the Stars, the Young Legion is looking to take back what they see as rightfully theirs.


The Young Legion seeks to establish a new underworld Empire where they rule as its Nobility. While not being purely evil, the Young Legion does not hesitate to use brutality and might to force its way. All avenues are open for use on the path to Power.

Divided into three “Blocks,” the Young Legion divides its members to better establish responsibility while increasing effectiveness in each field through interest rather than forced labor.

Combat Block

Combat Block is our military arm, as the name suggests. Responsible for defensive and offensive missions, the Combat Block is for those who will wage war against the enemies of the Young Legion..

  • Young Legion Marine Corps (YLMC)
  • Young Legion Navy (YLN)
  • Legio Auxilia (LA)

Commerce Block

Commerce Block is made up of those vessels and personnel who are money-driven. Mining, Trading, Producing. These are the realms of the Commerce Block.

  • Trader’s Guild
  • Miner’s Guild
  • Engineer’s Guild

Comms. Block

Those who join the Communication-Block are those who work in the background, expanding the Young Legion’s influence through soft power. Recruitment, Diplomacy and Propaganda. All are tools to the Legionnaires in Communication-Block.

  • Propaganda Department
  • Recruitment Department
  • Diplomacy Department


  • Crime King: The leader of the Young Legion.
  • Block Lord: The Block Lords run the three main Blocks. They gained their spot through capability and if deemed less capable than a Prince, up and coming, they can be removed and replaced. The Legion seeks power, not status quo.
  • Prince: Hive Princes/Princesses are more than the image that name conjures. They are hardened veterans of the old ways and know how to run things on their own. They’d be Bosses of their own subblocks if given the chance.
  • Veteran: Legionnaires who’ve proven themselves to be valuable assets in the C Blocks are named Veterans to ensure all others know who they speak to.
  • Legionnaire: The backbone of the Legion and the workhorse of the C Blocks, the Legionnaire is not just a footsoldier, but the lifeblood of the Org.
  • Recruit: Initiates found by the Comms. Blocks and told of the Legion’s true nature. They are the lowest rank and will have to prove they can hold their own to be made into official Legionnaires.


In Game General Rules

  • Never sellout your fellow Legionnaires.
  • You represent the Young Legion with your words and actions. Speak and move carefully.
  • We are not Law-Bringers. Oppose the authority of those who wish to take your freedom.
  • We are not Murderers. We do not kill without cause and the consequences must be weighed correctly.
  • You are Noble and Loyal. Do not forget your Fealty. Respect the chain-of-command.
  • You are Free. Leave at your own risk. You will not be spared for past relations. This is called Consequence.

Discord Rules

  • No spamming or flooding the chat with messages.
  • No text walls or a large paragraphs of text.
  • No hate comments. Respect everyone. You don’t have to like everyone. Civil arguments are accepted.
  • No adult (18+), explicit, graphic content including but not limited to images, text, nicknames etc. outside of the designated NSFW room
  • No racist or degrading content (racial terms are allowed within context, but don’t excessively use them).
  • No excessively cursing. Swearing is allowed but within reason.
  • No advertising other sites/discord servers.
  • Posting your own content such as videos or photos you have created are allowed.
  • No begging or repeatedly asking for help in the chat, just DM an officer.
  • No passing off someone else’s content as your own.
  • Inviting unofficial bots is NOT ALLOWED without administrative approval.
  • Do not mention everyone, if ever possible.
  • Do not perform or promote the intentional use of glitches, hacks, or bugs.
  • Do not cause a nuisance in the community, repeated complaints from several members will lead to administrative action.
  • Do not argue with command. If you feel you have been wrongly treated, politely DM an officer and ask for help.