Kawaii With Attitude / KWA

  • Organization
  • Hardcore
  • Piracy
  • Resources


The Weeaboos are a people scattered across the vast reaches of the galaxy.

Overlooked, underestimated, disregarded… Nobody thought them capable of anything extraordinary.

All of that changed when a ragtag group of fishermen had fled from the failed colony of Salsus Cacāre Gens, located in the brown nebula of the forgotten VG System. This was in the wake of a catastrophe known as “The Fur Heresy”.

Embarking on a mass exodus from their polluted home, these intrepid weebs set off together to find their own promised land.

Life was not easy for our predecessors.

The budding nation they founded was soon seized by a totalitarian dictatorship. This event triggered tensions between our ancestors and the Gaijin that once shared the new colony they had formed.

The conflict came to a head when their glorious Führer was assassinated by a rogue custodian (initially thought to be a paid assassin but historians later discovered that he did it for free) during a forum rally in the capital city. The government collapsed and chaos ensued.

This event was known as the Forumkampf and marked the beginning of the Political Correctness War, a gruesome conflict that tore the world apart and resulted in the deaths of millions.

As hope died and everything turned to smoke and ash, our ancestors became desperate.

Humanity had failed them. Law had failed them. With nothing left, they appealed to the gods to deliver them a savior.

And the gods answered.

The heavens bore two miracles: the Emperor, who ordered the people to “forever bind themselves to the Yamato Spirit”, and the Hogei Kōdo (捕鯨コード), a set of commandments based on divine texts said to be older than even the Emperor. Commandments that were allegedly drafted by a hero a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.

Together they ended the suffering and brought forth a golden age.

Content, the Emperor decided to fight sin across the galaxy by spreading the Hogei Kōdo to all Gaijin. To this end an Imperial Navy, christened “Kawaii With Attitude”, was assembled and they set out on their noble endeavor to save the misguided Gaijin from themselves.

In a galaxy beset by degeneracy, KWA is the last line of defense.



Kawaii With Attitude is an organization dedicated to enforcing the Hogei Kōdo and uniting the weeaboo race under one banner.

Our activities will range from scouring the lanes of space with our bomber squadrons on whale hunting expeditions unleashing red hot justice onto wallet warriors in expensive spaceships to liberating illegal cargo from unauthorized haulers and purging the galaxy of the Unclean.

The way of KWA is one that is often feared, usually hated, and always misunderstood.

Ours is a way of peace, love, and tolerance. Killing is a last resort and done with deep regret and sorrow.

However, we firmly believe in the Hogei Kōdo and that it is for the greater good of the galaxy that it is enforced. If the deaths of a few can bring the greater populace closer to galactic harmony then it is a worthy and just sacrifice.

We fight for the little guy. Our enemies may curse and despise us but we are always seeking to release them from their life of sin and know that when history looks back upon our work, we will be recognized as saviors.

When the entire galaxy is united in brotherhood under the Emperor and the Hogei Kōdo, we will then achieve a lasting universal peace.

Those who will not bow voluntarily will bow involuntarily.

Compliance with the Kōdo or Death. The decision is yours.


The Hogei Kōdo, also known as The Code, is the set of commandments that all will be expected to obey when traveling through KWA territory. Violators are to be punished in the name of peace, prosperity, and justice.

KWA territory is defined as any area of space where we are operating at any given time.

Gaijin (Also known as “normies” and “pubbies”) are defined as the barbaric masses that exist beyond our org/alliance. They are our spiritual inferiors who must be brought to heel for the good of the galaxy.

I. No unauthorized premium ships.

The Emperor is the most glorious being in the galaxy. Gaijin traveling in expensive ships without express permission is an arrogant and dishonorable act that tarnishes the radiance of our Emperor. These “whales” must be punished severely for their shameless vanity.

II. Expel the Unclean, Revere the Emperor.

The Unclean Ones are Gaijin who wish to breed with non-humans and/or revel in anthropomorphic personas. They are considered an existential sin against the Emperor and must be purged from the galaxy at all costs. Any who sympathize with them are considered Unclean-by-association and will share their fate.

III. Trust not the Merchant.

The Gaijin Merchant is a wicked creature on the lower end of the galaxy’s totem pole, only barely above the Unclean Ones. They live monotonous yet disgraceful lives dedicated solely to acquiring pointless material wealth rather than wealth in things that matter such as wisdom, honor and reverence for the Emperor. Those who rebuke them are quickly showered with hypocrisy, deceit and blasphemy. Do not believe their lies.

The merchants require structure, order, guidance, compliance. They require the Kōdo.

Indulgences for safe travel through our lands will be made available for purchase for a certain amount of credits per player avatar (to be determined at a later date), and are good for one month, subject to forfeiture. Merchants will be expected to update their bio to swear fealty to the Emperor in addition to their permit purchase.

IV. Give unto the Emperor what belongs to the Emperor.

All ships, resources and cargo that enter or linger in KWA territory are considered Imperial property and can be seized by KWA members at any time, for any reason, without exception. Only those who have purchased the aforementioned permits and are in compliance with the Kōdo will be exempt.

If a Gaijin does not wish to purchase a permit he may still be granted a one-day reprieve if he is able to correctly guess the Emperor’s favorite animated diversion. The wrong answer will result in immediate execution.

Be aware that excessive hauling will result in the seizure of your permit, repossession of your cargo and destruction of your ship. All things in moderation.

V. No harvesting resources.

The Emperor cares deeply about the environment. As such, all Gaijin that are caught defiling it will be executed, their cargo will be seized and the proceeds will be donated to a more charitable cause, such as new attire for the Emperor to wear.

Exemptions will be granted only to permit owners in compliance with the Kōdo who do not over-harvest.

VI. Keep communications clean.

KWA territory is a safe space for the Emperor’s people. Gaijin are required to put aside their prejudices and respect us as their betters. Be courteous and refrain from the use of profanity.

This expectation extends to KWA officials as well. You are agents of the Emperor and should act with dignity and class always.

If the Gaijin begin to rebel and spew vitriol at you, do not engage them in kind. Politely but firmly remind them that you are their superior and order them to calm down immediately. This will soothe all but the most mutinous who regrettably must have their escape pods destroyed to stop their dangerous ideas from spreading to the masses.

VII. Conduct thyself with honor at all times.

We believe in creating a toxic-free environment built on honor and good sportsmanship. Therefore upon defeat, Gaijin should congratulate us on our glorious victory. A “LONG LIVE THE EMPEROR” or “BANZAI” through communication channels is customary. Failure to do so will result in podding.

VIII. Respect elected officials.

The Emperor was elected by the gods themselves as the Heavenly Sovereign of the Galaxy. Gaijin are expected to respect the will exercised by the divine powers that made this decision. Know your place and do not be rude.

IX. Ignorantia juris non excusat.

Ignorance of these mandates is not an excuse for violating them. The Code is publicly available information and thus it is the responsibility of all Gaijin to memorize it before entering our domain. The only people they can blame if they are actioned upon are themselves.

X. The Emperor is infallible.

All actions by the Emperor and KWA are not only legal but are also morally correct no matter the circumstances. Gaijin laws, ideals and ethical codes do not apply to us. Never forget this.

Thus, members of KWA engaging in activities such as mining, trading, flying expensive spacecraft, etc. are in complete compliance with the Code. They do these things not for personal gain like the greedy Gaijin but for the glory of the Emperor, the sake of the Kōdo and the advancement of the weeaboo race therefore it is okay.



KWA is a very laid back group. We’re not going to ride you, take attendance, order you to call your captain “sir”, etc.

Only a few things are expected from members:

  1. Enforce the Emperor’s Hogei Kōdo to the best of your abilities.
  2. There is a zero tolerance policy for purposefully harming or conspiring against your fellows. Doing so will result in immediate expulsion.
  3. Star Citizen is a space opera, not a soap opera. Being too serious/dramatic/easily offended will probably just get you laughed at followed by ejection from the group. Always remember to take it easy and stay comfy.
  4. Furbeasts and Ponykin are the most reviled spawn of the underworld and thus are not welcome within our glorious organization. Tainted individuals will be dealt with by the local Commissar.
  5. Never not believe in yourself.


At present, we communicate primarily through Discord. Feel free to hop in and introduce yourself.

We’re also on Steam.