Luna Alliance / LAA

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Security

The Luna Alliance is a group of Traders, Explorers and Scientists that work together in a peaceful manner, with the aim to chart, explore and learn about the wonders of the very galaxy we live in.



Our three different branches include the following intentions and opportunities for your career within the Lanteans’ Alliance:

[SEC] Security

Our Security Branch is the smallest and youngest division. Most personell here is part-time as we move larger convoys through the void. Securitys’ job is to provide an escort or defense screen against Hostiles and Pirates, and act with force in case negotiatons fail. Security personell usually consists of guards, marines or pilots, and are mostly defensive forces.

[SER] Service

The Service Branch originates from the wish to be able to support our own ships without having to rely on third party services. Their operations include supply deliveries to our ships, but also trading, transport runs and even mining. Service staff is expected to follow the law of their respective systems, and are cleared to defend themselves if in danger.

[EX] Exploration

The foundation of our alliance is the science division. Unlike many scientific organisations, doing science, for us, means going out there and explore. We do of course analyze and sell data and samples aswell, but we do this to finance our expeditions. We are not a profit-focused branch that spends hours in the laboratories to develop new products, we are old-school space explorers.


Behaviour towards others and the Advocacy: The LAA does not see itself as servants of the Empire, this does not mean we are a bunch of lawless pirates, whatsoever. We have our own set of morals and understandings, which include to never hurt anybody or damage anyones property unless he has attacked you. We also do not wish to cause trouble with the authorities. This of course means, that smaller less-than-legal operations such as smuggling contraband have been sometimes conducted by single individuals of our clan. As long as your action does not directly damage, hurt or endanger anyone, you should be fine.

Information regarding Sub-Branches: In the LAA you are not limited to one branch. You are encouraged to help out and work where you wish to, and can. While you may help out or join in anywhere, you may only take a leading position on one branch, however. In explicit, while you may work as crew or similar personell in any sectory, and can even help out in another branch when you do have a leading position in one of them, you may not take two positions in different branches, as you should focus on your responsibility – for examople, a logistics commander of the security division may not also work as wing commander in the security branch.