Lost and Found / LAF

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Trading

Lost and Found

“If you get lost and find your way back, you’re a pathfinder. If you find anything of value on the way, you’re an explorer.”

We have seen people lose a lot of things to the vacuum of space.

Maybe we can help you get some of it back.


Our company, once founded on reclamattion has steadily felt a yearning to return to our ancestral founders pioneering spirit and put exploration and trade at the forefront of our organization. We have a modest little fleet of ships that need a versatile crew; between a Polaris, Endeavor an Orion and a Carrack, we have a heavy duty response to your spirit of adventure – Join us today and see what we can discover together.


After acquiring a massive investigative shakedown of our previous board of directors investment portfolio, we have decided to restructure. So with this in mind we are opening our doors to entry level admittance to all positons. If you don’t have any previous history with the other board of directors, then we should get along just fine.

If you managed to get out on good behaviour, please, keep it that way, we’re a legitimate organization here. We do answer to our general public’s complaints about our services — we are in the middle of a staffing shortage that can be alleviated with temporary help, but we prefer a reliable group interested in expanding the horizons of the known limits of the UEE, and get a good reputation along the way.

As my forefather’s ancestors said “It’s easy to build a good reputation from scratch: Impossible to dig it up fron the depths of your disappointment.”


Our reputation leads us to greater opportunities with each success we have. Discover a new place, open a new trail, build a new relationship on trust and growth, and lead people from the past of hardship to a future of stability and prosperity.

We do this with integrity, honor and respect.

Don’t fail to be polite, don’t harm yourself with a bad temper, and if you need to — don’t say anything — act with the purest intent to honor the spirit of the agreement; if you respect the person you agree with in a contract, the actions outside that contract build your reputation. Under promise, and over-deliver.

This secret charter mandate has made our ancestors the leaders they were in their day, helping today to be yours.