Lorville Larry's Ships, Salvage, & Towing / LARRYS

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Welcome to Lorville Larry’s Ships, Salvage, & Towing!

- Pre-owned Ships (Salvage title)
- Pre-owned Ship Components & Weapons
- Pre-owned Armor & Small Arms
- Towing, Refueling & Rescue Services
- RMC & Construction Materials
- 100% CrimeStat Free – Guaranteed!

Repairs & New Ships Coming SoonTM!


Lorville Larry’s was founded in 2953 with the goal of bringing affordable ships, salvage, and components to everyone in the ‘verse with a 100% crime stat free guarantee!


We’re seeking “enterprising” individuals to acquire salvage, ship components, weapons, provide tows, refueling, or rescue to players in need. Need it built, moved, or supplied? Larry’s has you covered. All of our services come with a 100% crime stat free guarantee!


Lorville Larry’s is not responsible for lost, stolen, or salvaged ships!

By becoming a part of the Lorville Larry’s family you are agreeing will operate within the laws of the system you are currently in. If you come across salvage, or a derelict ship – you will scrape it clean and recover all remaining components, weapons, and any gear the previous crew may have left behind. Lorville Larry’s crews are not to incite violence – outside of prescribed, legal limitations. Should a Lorville Larry’s craft come under attack, they can – and will defend themselves. If violent action is taking place nearby a Lorville Larry’s craft that results in loss of craft for aggressor or defender, that is then considered legal salvage. All contracts provided by the UEE are considered legal salvage. Ships belonging to criminal organizations may also be towed/salvaged as long as the towing/salvaging craft does not receive a crime stat.

Good luck to all of our crews!

Always remember – if you can sell it, it wasn’t illegal.