Latji Militia / LATJI

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Piracy

We are the the indigenous tribe of Latji and we represent the Unga Bunga side of the Verse. Looking for Honor, Bonds and Camaraderie? Then become a Tribesman today!


“If not us, then who?”

We are the indigenous tribe of Latji and originally hail from Earth long ago, a coalition of tribes working as one cohesive nation. UEE didn’t take kindly to Latji Tribesmen and we moved to Stanton to make a better life for ourselves. Latji Militia represents the Unga Bunga side of Verse, where anything goes, including jobs. Most Tribesmen operate as freelance Mercs and if we see something we want, we aren’t afraid of some wetwork to get the job done.


Tribesmen are freelancers and pirates.

Tribesmen will take what is given.


1. All Tribesmen will conduct themselves with Honor, Bonds, and Camaraderie amongst themselves.

2. All Freelance Tribesmen will complete and honor player given freelance work given by other Citizens

3. All Tribesmen may pirate as they please.

4. [Highly Recommended] Join our discord: Your text to link here…

5. More importantly, have fun!