Legendary Consortium / LEGENDARY

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Social

You are fellow members of Legendary Consortium.
We strive for courtesy, fun and pushing end-game content.
These are our goals as a team, as one unit.


2011-12 Legendary Guilds is founded by Vriff in SWTOR.
2014-01 Legendary Consortium is founded by Decayeth in Star Citizen.


Legendary Consortium exists to serve the interests of it’s consortia!


Legendary Consortium

General Rules and Guidelines

Last Updated: 2014/03/25

by Decayeth

edited by Vriff

based upon the work of Aromander & Zyanna


This document is a work in progress that outlines the guidelines and principles under which the family of guilds is run and strive to achieve their objectives.

General History

  • 2011-12 Legendary Guilds is founded by Vriff in SWTOR.
  • 2014-01 Legendary Consortium is founded by Decayeth in Star Citizen.


The membership of the guild is comprised of a wide range of individuals from all demographics. While a majority of the members resides in the eastern and central time zones, we have players from all over the globe. The average members are in their 20’s and 30’s, but we do have children, teens and adults of all ages in our membership.

General rules of conduct and courtesy

First and foremost, this is a game, not a job, and should be FUN and not a burden for anyone. We are all human, we understand that everyone has their bad days and personal problems; however, we expect members to put these things aside and treat everyone with kindness and respect while playing the game.

Respect your fellow guild members. Racist, sexist, homophobic or any kind of defamation directed to a member will NOT be tolerated and will result in your immediate banning from the LG family.

Guild members are expected to help other guild members. Members should only offer constructive criticism, and are expected not to be overly sensitive regardless of the situation and take feedback.

It is not the guild’s nor any officer’s job to solve person conflicts between guild members, and arguments should never get to the point where this is needed. Problems are expected to be settled privately, in a respectful manner in-between individuals. If an understanding cannot be reached, concerns are to be addressed following the guideline.

Guild members concerns are to be voiced in a respectful manner to an officer. The officer will either address the situation or inform the other officers as soon as possible so that the issue is resolved quickly. Once you have voiced your concerns, please do not spread them to other guild members until they are addressed in a timely fashion. You should not expect things to be settled right away. In the meanwhile, your willingness to participate in an event, regardless of conflicts and concerns, is expected to be courteous at all time. No indication of a situation should be discussed, felt or made aware during an event. Grudges are to be left behind, otherwise you should refrain from participating in said activity.

All members are welcome to use our Teamspeak server to communicate, plan, and run events. Please refrain from dropping in a event channel uninvited unless you are interested in learning about the strategy involved and are willing to remain silent. You may be asked to log out from Teamspeak by an officer if your spot is required by a member about to go on an event. This is nothing against you, but might be an indication that we have to increase the concurrent number of members allowed.

Members are expected to behave themselves in general chat and in dealings with other guilds, players who are only out to cause problems are not welcome here!

Members Ranks

  • Ranks – Description
  • Recruits – Members with a probation period of 2 weeks
  • Initiates – Members that don’t actively participate in scheduled events
  • Heroes – Members that actively participate in scheduled events
  • Titans – Members that actively participate in progression groups

Officer Ranks
  • Champions – Non-voting officers
  • Legends – Voting officers
  • Myths – Retired officers


The Rules – Officer-ship document outlines the rules for officer-ship and decision making in the Legendary family of guilds.


Register to our website at http://legendaryguild.com where you will find information on the guild, documentation, tools and an event calendar that will indicate your willingness to participate in activities.

Website registration, character entry, indication to attend and roles sign-up for an event is mandatory. Priority will be given to attendees, group balance, event requirements, objectives completion and event ranking.

Officers will organize planned events only if enough members have signed-up in advance. Priority will be given to members that have signed-up to the event.

If an officer feels that the event is not going to be successful or that a group has not enough members, the run will not happen. You can still pug it, but please note that it might lock you out of that event in the coming days with other guild members.

If you need help organizing an activity outside of the event calendar, contact an officer so that he can help you plan it successfully with other guild members. This should not be done at the last minute and should be done outside of the time frame already scheduled in the event calendar.

Your presence in Teamspeak 3 is mandatory. Microphone for event organizer is mandatory, otherwise strongly suggested for any member.

Timeliness for the event. If you are attending an event and are running late, a grace period of 15 minutes will be given. After that, any “other” member may be asked to replace you for the event for which you will be excluded unless a spot is freed later on.

Success expectations and/or objectives are to be voiced out at the beginning of the event by the event leader. The time scheduled and limits allowed for success is to be established before starting the event. Upon reaching the limit, the event leader may apply any changes required to the event for it to be successful. Do not be overly sensitive if you are asked to step out. This will not hindered your chance of being brought back in the event later or on a future run.

We are striving in making sure that all members are going to go on successful events. Groups will be built with that objective and will be balanced accordingly.

Event leader may ask any member to go on an event in order to fill a spot. Members may refuse to go for any valid reason but should never show any negative attitude for being ask to go on an event. Having completed your “personal” objectives is not a valid excuse to not go on an event. You have been helped to achieved them by other members as you shall help others to achieve them.

As the main objective of this guild is to have fun and push end-game content, we will always have teams that are pushing the more advanced end-game content with the hope of bringing that experience to other members. In time, these teams will be split and new members will be available to run advanced events with experienced members.

Please do not feel left aside, do not be overly sensitive if you are not invited on an event or asked to step out. Event leaders have to walk a fine line between pleasing everybody and making sure the group is properly balanced for a successful run. We ask of all members to respect their decisions.

Tentative wrap-up for unfinished events will be decided on the spot based on current logged-in members. Priority will be given to people that were on the previous run of the event. However, your participation in an event does not guarantee you a spot in the same event the following week.

Leaders should be patient, knowledgeable and be positive throughout the activity. Leaders and officers may ask to speak with a specific member during the activity for any reason they deem necessary, they should not be disturbed during this time. Leaders have final decision on strategy and distribution making.

Before asking a member from another guild, the leader must first try and make the necessary steps towards having a guild members in the group.

If a member is disconnected from the game, a grace period of 10 minutes will be given before the leader pulls another guild member or pugs somebody in order to resume the event.

Social and Fundraising Events

Participation in our social and fundraising events is NOT mandatory, but is highly appreciated. Whenever you participate in a social and fundraising event, you must follow all the rules as defined in the event description or invitation. In time, events will be planned for all levels and all guild members.

Final Note

You are fellow members of Legendary Guilds. We strive for courtesy, fun and pushing end-game content. These are our goals as a team, as one unit.