The League of Extraordinary Starman / LESM

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Freelancing

Welcome Recruit
Looking for a group of freelancers that balance being a security force, and don’t mind getting dirty? Then our League is for you!
Our primarily focus is combat related contracts however not much is off the table for the LESM.
Apply Today and join our Discord


The League of Extraordinary Star Men were not always the helping hand of the Stanton star system. Originally founded in a time of mystics and wonder the LESM was founded in the bygone era of Earth’s 18th century by [REDACTED] to ensure the survival of the world from destruction. It was the league that put an end to what would have been a catastrophic fate had [REDACTED] plan come to fruition. Throughout the centuries until times present, the League has grown and evolved to what it is today. Though we have not lost our tradition of being extraordinary, we have moved past the simplicities of the once great Earth and protecting her interests. We have fought in almost every major conflict throughout humanities history, as our old members are laid to rest, their protege’s step up to take their place. Each iteration more Extraordinary than the last; our knowledge has been passed down from many generations of triumphs and downfalls, and it is with this knowledge that we have obtained one of the most reputable statuses amongst our fellow private contractors. Our merit was not as quickly earned as it may seem. Through countless trials and failures that have rocked the League over the centuries, we have and always will remain the epitome of courage, dedication and duty driven. In the late years of the 1900’s our League was infiltrated by the remnants of an ultranationalist enclave under the guise of asylum seekers. This enclave sought to rid the world of our league following the downfall of their once great nation. They infiltrated our ranks and manipulated the minds of our more eager, and impressionable youngbloods. The Incursion, as it is called in the great texts of old, depict various gruesome attacks carried out by this shadow faction within the league. Dividing us was only the start of what this enclave had planned. After the attacks on civilization, they took our name to the public, to the media, slandering our name through the mud in false accusations. This turned the public eye on the League for the various humanitarian crimes that had been committed. The Incursion led us to begin the campaign of ‘Restore Honor’, in which we launched several devasting attacks against this shadow syndicate. Although our attacks were successful, they did not come without a price. The League was made unaware by our Intelligence unit that multiple civilians were at the Outlier’s base of operations. With the attacks on their headquarters in an attempt to quell the problem from the source we unfortunately had the weight of 200 civilian casualties to account for. The Outliers had used civilians as human shields in a last-ditch effort to stain our reputation forever and ensure the League’s downfall for good. They succeeded in their mission to tarnish our once extraordinary reputation with the various global powers, and so we were brought before the grand council and ordered to disband. Those unwilling to disband were then hauled away to countless prisons around the world to ensure we could not band together once more. This was only the case for so long however, as one of our founders’ lineages would rebuild the League in secrecy to its former glory. The League was to ensure the protection of all threats both foreign and domestic on earth and our future colonies. Our survival, albeit in secret, was a small price to pay to once more be in a position to make ourselves known and help humanity yet again. Surviving the masses and gaining favor was not an easy task for the League however no task is too mountainous that cannot be conquered. We prevailed and regained our glory and honor, we were slated to be humanities greatest champions and sought to help usher in an era of peace.


The League is looking for skilled pilots and confident ground pounders. We are expected to run well alone or with a team. Comms are used during sessions via Discord.

As a privateer we can work a wide array of jobs. Bring your skills to the group and make them known. Depending on the job we will put you where you are best suited. It doesn’t matter what your rank is in the organization, skill is skill, and you will be leveraged towards the overall success of the operation. The more we see your activity and success within the league, the higher you will be promoted. We don’t let our members go unrecognized.

As extraordinary as it is to be a Star Man, it doesn’t come without responsibilities to the League. Payments are split evenly with all active members on the job. Don’t participate, don’t get paid. It is that simple.

Expect to do a little of everything here. Bounty hunting on and off record, security escorts for your cargo hauls, high threat alerts, high paying salvage and mining operation security, raids, prison breaks, rescue ops, and smuggling.


LESM Charter is as follows:

1.) Do not betray your battle buddies on or off a job. If you purposefully kill or steal anything that was not explicitly given to you, you will be warned and reinformed of the League’s law. If you are a repeat offender of this, you will be reprimanded, and potentially removed from the organization.

2.) Participate, we are all aware that real life comes first, and we want you to handle your priorities outside of Star Citizen first. However, we highly encourage members to participate on a regular basis and get to meet your org mates. Unit cohesion comes with small interactions, and we are all friendly and welcoming.

3.) Remember to have fun, we are pretty open to most play styles. If you want to Role play, go for it! But it is not a standard for the LESM. :)