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Lethal Enemies / LETHAL

  • Syndicate
  • Hardcore
  • Smuggling
  • Transport

Lethal Enemies [LE] is a global PC gaming community which was founded in 2004 as a clan named Syndicate =sYn=. Syndicate was a hardcore gaming clan. We dissolved it in 2011 and Lethal Enemies was born. We are now a laid back gaming community.



Lethal Enemies [LE] is a global PC gaming community which was founded in 2004 as a clan named Syndicate =sYn=. Syndicate was a hardcore gaming clan. We dissolved it in 2011 and Lethal Enemies was born. We are now a laid back gaming community.

Today, our main genre of games today is First Person Shooters, however, we continue to be involved in MMO’s. Lethal Enemies continues to operate based on its traditional founding values: Dedication, Loyalty, and Trust. We have proven that this is the best way to maintain a fun, relaxed and competitive online gaming experience for all!

Lethal Enemies operates a minimum age policy. At present, we only accept applications from members who are at least 18 years of age. (In RARE instances we have made exceptions). You can apply for membership by clicking here for an application form.

Lethal Enemies and the services that are provided, such as the website and servers, are funded directly by the members of the team. Although donations will never become mandatory, we politely ask that members donate a small amount to help keep these services live! The members of Lethal Enemies are our top most priority and without your help and support we wouldn’t be here.

Membership Conduct
We ask very little from members; all we want is for everyone to have fun and enjoy themselves. What we do expect however, is that all Lethal Enemies members conduct themselves in a professional manner when representing the team. Our members are our brand; how you act on public gaming servers effects the team as a whole. In order to maintain our well respected and positive reputation, we will continue to ensure that Lethal Enemies remains an enjoyable place to be and free of cheaters, exploiters and hackers!


Who’s asking?


Welcome to Lethal Enemies.

We are a community put together and built for the purpose of our member’s enjoyment. It is the result of VERY hard work by the people who founded/manage. We focus on member maturity and respect towards each community member. We are comprised of many different people from all walks of life, with different perspectives, backgrounds, races, creeds, religions, and ideologies. When gaming and interacting with each other, you should show them the same respect and maturity that you would like to receive in return. This applies to our teamspeak, game servers, forums and other public gameservers. You will need to act like an adult, be respectful and adhere to the standards set forth by our Community Managers and Division Chiefs.

The environment we provide…
We provide a cheat free, stable, and fun community gaming experience to all LE members and public guests. We host many different servers varying genres of computer gaming, a website with informative forums, and a voice over IP client via teamspeak 3. We work very hard to keep glitchers, scripters, ass-hats and hackers at bay through investigation and gaming knowledge. We promote teamwork, community, and the betterment of all members. We are a community and everyone is welcome as long as they can be respectful to the games we play and the gamers we share our environment with.

What being part of the team means…
LE members work together in and out the games we play. Members assist others with basic game knowledge, computer technical support, and sometimes in their personal lives as well. Nothing is off limits when it comes to helping another member of our community and nothing is expected except general respect and acceptance. When in game, teamwork is to be the focus and basis for our members. Through teamwork even our lowest ranking member is a key instrument on the battlefield. When your teammates need assistance: offer it. Try to work together to capture objectives, defend positions, and use the skills to assist your squad and team. Communication skills are very important to any team in any game. Establish a line of communication, call out enemy positions, relay team objectives and notify team mates to any changes in your environment. When using teamwork and communication, LE can rule the battlefield and win the round.

The community structure…
We use a democratic hieratical structure for administration purposes. All members have a say in the decisions for the community. We have eight active Community Managers for decisions that cannot wait for community votes to be taken, handle public relation issues, and deal with infractions of the community rules. Community Managers are comprised of the founders of the community who have been with the community from the beginning; making sound decisions to build the community up from where it started.
Division Chiefs are ones who will run a game division. They will have the final say in all division activities.
Admins are members that can assist other members in decisions while gaming and act as sponsors to members. Division Chiefs/Admins act as the main liaisons in the field and games they operate in between the community and its members and guests. Community Managers, Division Chiefs, and Admins do not control the community; they were established to help other members and make snap decisions until a formal meeting may be called in order to vote on matters at hand. NO ONE MEMBER MAY MAKE AN UNCHANGABLE DECISION. Temporary decisions may be questioned and changed by community vote at any time. Members are promoted and/or demoted from Community Managers, Division Chiefs, and Admins positions based on their ability to handle the responsibilities.

Community Meetings…
We hold meetings to deal with community decisions. Any idea or suggestion may be made by any member and will be entertained. Basic +1/-1 votes will be taken to decide the outcome of all decisions and all members votes are to be considered equal. Community Managers, Division Chiefs, and Admins meetings are held more frequently to handle snap decisions of “micro issues” and are often called based on the need for quick decisions. Community meetings are not mandatory, but if you want your vote to be counted be present.

There is no requirement for member donations to maintain a membership. Although, donations are VERY welcome as our operating costs exceed the budgets of those who organize the community. With various game servers, teamspeak, forums, admin tools, and more we try to give our members the best experience they can have with a community. This comes at a price and something a handful of people at LE take the brunt of. Any help in keeping our valued assets that we provide in alive is always appreciated, in any amount possible. The donation link can be found here: All monies donated are tracked and a detailed financial record can be shown to any member at any time, to show that your money is not being stolen and/or wasted. It all goes towards our monthly server rental, admin programs ,teamspeak server, and community raffles, PERIOD.
Beyond financial donations, other members can donate their time and experience to help the community. We have many issues that require time and effort; from web design, server admin, server seeding and investigation of suspicious activities and/or players. All donations, whether they are monies or time are greatly appreciated and needed to sustain the community.

Conduct of Lethal Enemies Members…
Any LE Member, Community Managers, Division Chiefs, and Admins found to show poor conduct, lack of maturity towards other members will be dealt with swiftly and sternly. Corrective actions may include having their position removed or even removed from the LE community entirely. Racism and sexism in public servers or our own servers is subject to immediate review by the Community Managers and may result in removal from the community. We hold a very high standard when it comes to members. We take this very seriously. You may be warned and given a second chance, but only if the Managers feels you can improve and mature. ANY MEMBER FOUND TO BE USING COMPUTER AIDED HACKS, SCRIPTS and/or GLITCHES will be removed immediately from the community and banned from all servers, websites and teamspeak.

In Conclusion….
We expect, at the very least, common sense and decency with our members and admin alike. This is a requirement without exception. We are all different, but again this is common sense and is something we use a whole lot of here at Lethal Enemies.