Livy's Harem / LHAREM

  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Resources

Mining, Salvaging, Transport, Combat, Stolen Goods, Don’t worry I’ll make it fit! :3


Years of hustling, piloting ships through dangerous sectors, led security details for shady corporate deals, & even mediating between rival gangs. No matter the job we abide by a core philosophy: “Take care of your own.” whether your someone who needs work, protection, or just somewhere to lay low, this is a place where you can belong, No one in this Harem gets left behind.

The name “Livy’s Harem” itself is tongue-in-cheek, a play on the way Livy had become the center of her tight-knit circle. But to those in the know, it was clear that this “harem” was anything but soft or docile. Our crew is feared for our effectiveness, and we thrive on a single, unbreakable bond. We take care of our own.


We thrive on a single, unbreakable bond. We take care of our own.


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