Legion Of Kings, Inc. / LOKI

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Social
  • Freelancing

Welcome to Legion of Kings, Inc.

We are a FOR FUN gaming group, so take it easy and have a good time!


LOKI is for casual players looking to have some fun. Sweaty palms need not apply.


Four score and a thousand years ago our fathers brought forth unto this galaxy the raddest group of gamers in all of known space. We continue this tradition today just as we always have, with good games, good food and good beer. There are those that might claim that perhaps we are not in fact the raddest & baddest group of gamers of all time and to them all we have to say is “Yeah, well, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.”


All associates of Legion of Kings, Inc. must abide by the rules listed herein else they shall be subject to punishment including but not limited to loss of membership and involuntary species reassignment to a marmot*.

1) Have fun.
2) Have fun.
3) Have fun.
4) Have fun.
5) Seriously, Have fun.

*Intentionally avoiding fun in order to obtain a free species reassignment is strictly forbidden and ah… you know what, If you want to be a Marmot that bad just go ahead. Have fun eating berries and flowers in your new burrow, ya fluffy li’l rascal.