Lone Star Defense / LONESTRDEF

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

Board of Directors
FUBIJAG, SirSparklyNuts and FUBAR


Current Flagship:
Lonestar Defense Ship: Nacogdoches, Anvil Carrack

Lonestar Defense claims no ownership over picture material used. All rights reserved to respected owners.


Created in the early 2000’s, Lonestar Defense was created during a period of political instability in the Norvinsk Region of Russia. Partnered with other western PMC groups, Lonestar Defense was at the frontlines of the 21st century’s largest proxy war. Lonestar’s performance record was enhanced through advances in UAV technology, intelligence gathering and superior training. This competitive edge became the Lonestar Standard.

Post Norvinsk conflict, Lonestar transitioned to regional security in the Texas Economic Zone, and later provided routine security for commercial maritime shipping. With the continuation of profitable contracts and performance in the Maritime Contracting world, Lonestar continued to increase it’s influence with the advent of strategic space lifting in the late 23rd century.

While Lonestar Defense has fallen into past headlines with ties to political assassinations, smuggling, and war crimes. Lonestar Defenses’ Board of Directors still denies any involvement with the criminal underworld and has been exonerated of all charges as of the 24th Century.

Fast forward to the First Human-Tevarin War, Lonestar Defense operated routine patrols with the UEE Navy in the Terra System, and continued to serve as a prime contractor for the Earth Government and other Corporations. With the conclusion of the war, Lonestar now serves contracts with the UEE’s Civil Defense Force, in the Stanton system and continues to uphold the Lonestar Standard.


Current Board of Directors: FUBIJAG, Sir Sparkly Nuts, FUBAR

Lone Star Defense is providing services for any organization needing:
  • Security Assistance
  • Patrol Support
  • Raid/Ambush
  • Search and Rescue
  • Bounty Hunting/Elimination of High Value Targets
  • Expedition Support
  • High Value Item Acquisition
  • Extraction Support
  • Reconnaissance

All prices are negotiable depending on METT-CC requirements. Lone Star is committed to providing their Lone Star Standard and is looking for long term contracts and relationships with other Organizations. Consider Lone Star today for your contracting needs.


  • Deliver meaningful content to members of the organization and provide a fun atmosphere.
  • Deliver services to Organizations requiring a level of tactical and strategic planning.
Time Commitments:
  • No time commitments are required.
  • Real life will ALWAYS take priority, play when you want on your own terms.
Membership Requirements:
  • Currently accepting anyone
  • Act Mature
  • Don’t be a jerk
Scope of Operations:
  • Lone Star Defense operates within the Stanton System with plans to move to the Pyro System to provide support to the CDF.
  • Lone Star is comprised of a Board of Directors that vote on all Corporation decisions during their Minutes of Meeting.
  • Marketing Team will manage all social media and public relations
  • Recruitment Team will handle all recruitments.
Minutes of Meeting:
  • Minutes of Meeting serve as important announcements to the corporation.
  • Formal – Happen when all members are able to sit down and talk about the organization.
  • In Formal – Happen whenever and decisions will be agreed upon and will go into effect.
  • Minutes, regardless of formality may not be posted in the discord depending on motivation of the Board BUT members will be notified if it pertains to them.
  • Provide services outlined in the manifesto.
  • Communication will be done through discord.
  • https://discord.gg/8fJ9MbTnsP
Disciplinary Actions:
  • We are all adults, act like one.
  • Unfavorable Individuals will be removed with or without warning by the Board of Directors

Lone Star Board of Directors