Lunatic Howl's Juck Yard Emporium / LOON

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Freelancing

The verse is a messy place. Lets clean it up and sell the parts to a bunch of suckers.. I mean customers…


Lunatic Howl started as a loose grouping of people who met originally on VRChat. We all enjoy each others company and came together to start an org for a common purpose of having fun.

In the long run we plan on being basically a mobile junk yard/ mechanic shop. Until those are fully in we are running missions/ bounties or hunting for salvage.


One man’s junk is another man’s, slightly used totally repairable and not stolen parts. Big or small we take them all. The Loon junk yard has it all. We are a one stop shop for repairs refurbishment and refuel.

As much as possible we salvage and repair parts for resell. Found ships that could be salvaged? We’ll buy the rights to that information. Want to off load some components you found? We’ll give you a fair price with no questions asked.

Also, we are a bunch of chaotic little gremlins.


Lunatic Howl’s members participate in the gambit of jobs and roles that the verse has to offer. However, we draw the line at piracy. The Howl will never organize or participate in piracy raids as an Org.

That being said we do acknowledge that we can not control our members lives outside of org activities. If someone from the Howl raided your ship your beef is with them not the org.