3 Musketeers / LORDAVATAR

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Freelancing
  • Security

We are excited to have you look at how we can help you.
You are requesting a 3 person crew (no more/less).
We are a specialized unit that can do what is needed to get done.
We work independently or with your group.

Send note: Contact, price, who, what, when, where and why. Leave the How to us.


We are a group of 3 soldiers who have dealt with many unique problems with specialized solutions. We were all prior UEE and have been to many of the systems and work well together in space or on the ground.
Please contact (see Manifesto) and we hope we can help you with the solution.


Our goal is 3 freelancers who work together as a package. If you are in need of Assistance, be it an extra crew for Cargo or Maintain Operations, a specialized Search and Rescue operation, Bounty Hunting, Gunners, Co-pilot, Convoys, Exploration assistance, Hired security for temporary jobs, Private investigation, Ambassador relations, Military work, Hospitality, Transportation, and Scientific Research
We highly enjoy groups with Trade, Mining, Research, Ambassadors and Dignitaries, Police/Military and Security, Hospital/Medic, and more.
We specialize in Search & Rescue with medical as well ship repair.

We will happily help with freedom fighting and anti-slavery, including alien races.

Do not contact us if you are doing something in dishonorable conditions, (lying, cheating, stealing, Human/Alien trafficking, Murder, etc.)


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