Lorem Ipsum / LOREMIPSUM

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Social

To many, “lorem ipsum” is a phrase used as “filler text” when they don’t yet have meaningful content yet.

To you, it means we are what you need us to be, all of it without being defined, a template for you to make into meaning for yourself.

“Be excellent to each other.”
- Bill S. Preston, Esq.


As strange as it may seem, when contemplating a name for our Organization (or anything new really) the though of the “filler text” that is the historically famous “lorem ipsum” phrase came to mind: “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit…” Used for its generic looking Latin text, this has been used to flesh out templated documents for many generations and is loosely based on text pulled from Cicero’s ‘De finibus bonorum et malorum’ and typically jumbled from this original text.

Upon further reflection, and curiously researching the purpose of the lorem ipsum text as well as it’s history and origin, I realized that it would be perfect to encapsulate the core value of what I want to achieve with this Organization. Lorem Ipsum is a place where you can be what you need to be, what we need to be, for the purposes at hand in the moment. YOU are the defining meaning that Lorem Ipsum is standing in for.

Everyone is different and has different needs and different capabilities and no single structure could conform to everyone. Sure some may cater to a large niche of people with specific goals that align, and that is definitely OK! While Lorem Ipsum is able to stand in and adapt to the needs of the member, adopting your quirks, your interests, your personality.


We strive to encourage positivity when possible, companionship and fun times.

We strive to mitigate stress, drama, and the never ending pains of life.

Nobody is perfect, we do our best and that’s what matters. Through the highs and lows, we all need some encouragement to keep going, even if that might be a random citizen of the universe for just a few hours.


Respect each other, be there for each other, encourage growth and positivity in each other; I want you all to feel better for being here.
We will not tolerate bashing others’ beliefs or lifestyle choices or using derogatory slurs. You don’t have to agree with people or adopt their lifestyle, and that’s ok. Please try to be open minded, live and let live, maybe ask about new things you haven’t considered before and maybe learn something new about how other people live their lives (even if you still don’t want that for yourself) – you are afforded the same luxury – we are all struggling in this universe together.

There is already enough stress and negativity in the world – we are all here to escape that in one way or another, let’s make it pleasant. Be mindful of things that might cause drama, don’t actively seek to cause drama or discomfort.

Often, as humans do, we will offend or trigger some unpleasantness in each other – it’s just inevitable, no matter how peaceful or drama free we try to be. How we react to that and move forward is the only thing we can hold ourselves accountable to – don’t attribute to malice what is easily attributed to ignorance. We fully encourage clear communication to resolve any issues, if you’re offended please explain that to the offender so they know better moving forward – odds are they didn’t mean to; if that’s not possible, seek guidance from a member of leadership for help so we can get things resolved fairly.

This is not a “hardcore” organization, there will be times where we have voluntary events or gatherings, these will never be restricted to “members only” and we encourage bringing friends. We welcome affiliations with other organizations, and this does not need to be your “Primary” organization to be considered a member – just have fun and be you.

“Be excellent to each other”
- Bill S. Preston, Esq.

“Party on, dudes!”
- Ted “Theodore” Logan

“I’m a dude, he’s a dude, she’s a dude, ‘cos we’re all dudes…”
- Kel Mitchell