• Corporation
  • Regular
  • Resources
  • Security

Drinking Beer, Making Creds, Delivering Results. Come get LOST with us.



Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


The purpose of Lost Corp is to provide an environment that allows for our members to enjoy the
Verse with like-minded members and, ultimately, to foster growth within the game as development

We recognize that Star Citizen is a work-in-progress, and it is our goal to ensure our organization
and its members can grow alongside it.

We have multiple divisions within the Corp that will cater to a wide variety of players and objectives,
but ultimately our objective is to have fun and enjoy the verse in an environment that can appeal to
both the casual and the dedicated player alike.

Our primary focus is on commerce. As such, our mining division is second-to-none in profitability,
and our cargo hauling follows suit. But the Verse can be a dangerous place, which is why we spare
no expense when it comes to the safety of our members. If you think you have a place on one of our
Security or Legal teams, we can ensure a competitive rate for your services.

You’ll never be forgotten at LOST Corp


Currently, we have six divisions within LOSTCorp, with a focus on Mining, Hauling, Bounty Hunting,
Corporate Security, Human Resources and Legal, respectively. Each has a specified code of
conduct. More information can be found on our Discord.

LOSTCorp has a zero-tolerance policy on griefers. This extends both within the organization and
outside; if you are a ne’er-do-well in our space that is causing harm to fellow citizens of the Verse,
you can expect our Corporate Security to bring down the full weight of frontier justice on you.

LOSTCorp is active in almost every time zone; you can find someone on our discord 24/7. The
majority of our membership is in the USA and Canada, but we have no specified timezone
requirement for most activities.

While our Corporation caters to the casual gamer and has no RP requirements, we have many
members who enjoy roleplay and encourage those who do to reach out.

If you have further questions, feel free to contact to our HR department on our Discord server and fill
out an application today! come back for updated information.