[LUCKY] S.T.A.R.S : Interstellar concern / LUCKY

  • Corporation
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Resources

[LUCKY] S.T.A.R.S : Interstellar concern

“They call us lucky… we make our own luck!”


[LUCKY] S.T.A.R.S has its history firmly rooted in the stars. With over 15 years of invaluable experience as Wing Commander, we can proudly offer a range of solutions. Due to the nature of these services, details of our previous partnerships are (regrettably) classified. Please contact directly with any queries you may have.

S – Special
T – Tactical
A – And
R – Remedial
S – Services

Currently looking for pilots and ground operatives, join the elite today!

Founder, RpT

Location – UK, South East
Backer level – VIP GRAND ADMIRAL
HOTAS – CH Pro Throttle, VKB Gunfighter MK2 Fighter Stick, MFG Crosswind Rudder, Track I.R head tracking, Mouse + KB.

Looking for ORG members to join for regular play, multi-crew, base building and co-ordination with other ORGs. No limitation on gameplay type although generally we will not be a pirate faction. Ship sharing scheme TBC (since i have so many). All regions welcome although English speakers only!

Get involved for some alpha group play, convoy, etc ;)


[LUCKY] is potentially available to hire for fulfillment of the following services (but not limited to):

- Detective
- Recon
- Extraction (both small and large scale)
- Data-run
- Infiltration
- Mercenary
- Cartography/exploration
- Reclamation and salvage
- Escort
- Pilot
- Wingman

We abide by all local regulations and bylaws. Contact [LUCKY] to make an appointment when looking for a discrete and reliable service you can trust!


For those wishing to join, the prime objectives are:

- To investigate.
- To interject when warranted.
- To co-operate with partner organisations.
- To minimise harm to civilians during operations.
- To profit.
- To expand

- To determine hard evidence of cheating in the verse and bring these villainous scum to justice! Newsfeed…

We are currently accepting new recruits. Members that prove themselves can expect to be promoted and to be granted access to the more valuable ships in our hangers.