Legio XX / LXX

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Smuggling

No contract too small, no danger too great.
Welcome to Legio XX. Here, we do not involve ourselves in the machinations of politics or corporations. Complete your contract, get paid, move on. We are outside the law, though not above it. No disintegrations!


Founded in 2522, Legio XX began operations on Terra. For the next half century, they operated on and around Terra exclusively providing dead or alive bounty services to the local government. In 2571, some families of those who served on the UEES Olympus hired Legio XX to execute justice on the pirates that the Olympus was pursuing when it fell victim to Ashana’s gravity well.

That was Legio XX’s first private contract and marked the beginning of their expansion from Terra. By the time another 100 years had passed, Legio’s members spanned all the inhabited systems of mankind. Their operational policy evolved from one of simple bounty hunting to providing justice for anyone. This shift saw more and more contracts executed for private citizens and corporations with only the most experienced members granted the right to engage in governmental contracts.

In the mid 2800s, the Legio began accepting smugglers into their ranks. A number of minor border skirmishes had resulted in blockades of various planets. Legio members were approached with contracts not to kill, but to bring life saving supplies to the inhabitants of the blockaded planets. The inclusion of smugglers to their ranks caused another evolution of policy within the Legio. Contracts can be for nearly anything the member agrees to, within the bounds of the organization’s charter.


Legio XX does not involve itself in the political machinations that saturate UEE. Clients may be anyone, as long as they can afford the fee of course. Contracts are executed within the bounds of the law where possible, and with as little collateral damage as possible where it is not.

To members of the Legio, the contract is everything. Your name, your reputation, and many times, your life depend upon successful execution of the contract. Failure will, at best, result in a mark against your name within the ranks and at worst, your death at the hands of your target.


Complete your contracts. The contract is binding.
Do not involve yourself. Complete the contract, do not take sides.
Avoid collateral damage, where possible. Use deadly force only when necessary.
Obey the law. You are not above the law, adhere to it in pursuit of your contract.