Medical Actions in Conflict Environments / MACE

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Security
  • Resources

Space is dangerous.
MACE provide Professional Medical Solutions to fit the changing needs of it’s clients.
Be assured that MACE staff are highly trained, not only in hi-tech medical practices but also in military conflict resolution.
With our support you can feel safe whatever your business.


MACE was setup by Mark Magmason an ex-military man turned successful business entrepreneur.

Mark’s wife and only son were seriously injured after they crashed while navigating an asteroid field.
The ships automatic distress beacon was activated but there where no medical vessels that were near enough to respond in time. Even when an emergency ship finally arrived it had problems docking and was poorly equipped. This unfortunate series of events sadly resulted in the death of Mark’s wife and son.

The death of his young family hit Mark really hard and led him to enlist in the UEE marine corps. Although Mark, now named Larva Mark by his military colleagues, had a successful career in the military it was a violent and mentally troubled time as he had not come to terms with his grief.

While on a peace keeping mission he had a confrontation with a local elder who looked him straight in the eye “ If you do not face the past you will not flourish in the future”. This statement echoed in his mind and prompted him to leave the marines. He realised that he could turn his negative feelings into positive action, he realised that the best way to honour his dead wife and son was to put his energy into creating an organisation that would revolutionise inter planetary medical provision.

To this end Larva Mark has recruited a highly experienced management team from within the medical and military fraternity to maximise the chance of him realising his dream.

And MACE was born.


1. To increase interplanetary medical provision.

2. To provide medical services in conflict environments.

3. To deliver excellent service at competitive prices.

4. To give due consideration to any contract of work no matter how dangerous.

5. To hire, train and develop MACE staff in cutting edge medical and military practice’s.

6. To invest in quality medical and military equipment to ensure the level of reliability our clients deserve.

7. To give financial support to the MAGMA Medical Foundation in order to facilitate it’s work giving medical aid in distaster zones.


1. The primary reason for the creation of MACE is to provide a structure for like minded friends of all ages, races and genders to enjoy playing Star Citizen.

2. Members are welcome to be members of other groups as long as they are not in direct opposition to the aims of MACE.

3. Roleplaying is encouraged, however if you find this difficult please give it a go and at the very least respect those that will be roleplaying around you.

4. The plan is to have regular MACE sessions where members can meet up and experience Star Citizen together. These organised sessions could be once or twice a week in addition to longer sessions every month or so. This level of regularity will not be enforced only encouraged.

5. MACE training sessions will also be arranged for those that want to be involved.

6. Creativity within MACE is welcomed and all ideas on how to improve MACE will be considered. If this organisation is going to thrive we need to adapt to an ever changing environment.

7. Please be mindful of the language you use when playing with younger Star Citizen players.

8. Bullying, racisim or any other form of abuse will not be tolerated within MACE.