Mad Bears Inc. / MADBEARS

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Resources
  • Trading

With the vast expansion by the UEE into the outer reaches of the universe, the Mad Bears are ready to capitalize on the expansive resources available to us. Whether its mining, salvaging, or any other resource gathering endeavor we are looking to be a part of it.


Originally started as a mercenary and security force, Mad Bears Inc. has evolved into a more productive and service oriented incorporation. Two brothers and a close family friend had dreams of becoming a large force in the galaxy. Boasting a robust fleet of ships ranging from the humble cutter to the intimidating Idris, and even the impressive Kraken.

Whether its rich resources, a custom ship, or a high quality component, Mad Bears Inc has made it and will provide it for you. As the corporation expands into new systems, they add more and more services that they provide. Though they are new in Stanton, they will eventually get the rights to resources and the permits to manufacture arms.


To go beyond the stars and to expand our horizons. We not only are there to make money, but to help the less fortunate and those that may not know their way. Climb aboard our proverbial ship and take sail among the solar winds of Pyro and the asteroid belt of Stanton to find where we belong in this vast and open universe.


Charter is currently under review. Please stand by. In the meantime just be someone younger you would be proud of.