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Make ArcCorp Great Again / MAGACO

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Make ArcCorp Great Again: Leading the way in trading, cargo, mining, and salvage for a brighter futur.e. Our plans are to build a space wall to keep the Vanduul swarms at bay, while restoring the glory of the Star Citizen universe.

Join Org Channel: MAGACO


Welcome to Make ArcCorp Great Again! We are a pioneering organization that has set its eyes on restoring the once great ArcCorp to its former glory. Our mission is to revitalize the economy, and we are dedicated to excelling in trading, cargo, mining, and salvage, while also building a space wall to keep the Vanduul swarms out. We utilize cutting-edge technology and strategic planning to maximize our profits and ensure that our operations are as efficient as possible.

ArcCorp in recent times has been plagued by corruption and economic decline. As a result, many of its industries have fallen into disrepair, and it has become a shadow of its former self. Make ArcCorp Great Again is dedicated to reversing these trends and breathing new life into the planet, while also protecting it from the threats of the Vandul swarms.

Our team of experienced traders, skilled pilots, and resourceful miners work tirelessly to secure valuable cargo and materials, which are then sold or used to create valuable products. Additionally, we specialize in finding and salvaging valuable items from the wreckage of ships and structures, ensuring that nothing goes to waste.

By joining Make ArcCorp Great Again, you are not only signing up for a chance to earn significant profits, but you are also contributing to the greater good of the Star Citizen universe. Together, we can restore ArcCorp to its former glory, secure it from outside threats, and set an example for the rest of the galaxy.


Fellow Citizens of the Star Citizen Universe,

I stand before you today as the founder and leader of Make ArcCorp Great Again, an organization dedicated to restoring the greatness of ArcCorp and securing a brighter future for all who call this universe home.

ArcCorp, once a beacon of prosperity and innovation, has fallen into a state of disarray. Corruption runs rampant, and economic decline threatens to extinguish the flame of progress that once burned bright on this magnificent planet.

But fear not, for we are here to change that! Make ArcCorp Great Again is not just a guild; it is a movement, a force for positive change that will shake the foundations of this universe and usher in a new era of prosperity and opportunity.

Our mission is clear: to revitalize the economy, to excel in trading, cargo, mining, and salvage, and to build a space wall that will keep the Vanduul swarms at bay. We will harness the power of cutting-edge technology and strategic planning to maximize our profits and ensure that our operations are as efficient as possible.

But our ambitions do not end there. We are also committed to helping new players get established, employing and teaching them, and paying them fairly for their hard work. We believe in the power of unity and cooperation, and we will work tirelessly to create a community where everyone has the chance to succeed.

Together, we will Make ArcCorp Great Again! We will restore its former glory and ensure that it shines as a beacon of hope and prosperity for generations to come. So join us, my friends, as we embark on this great journey together. The future is ours to shape, and with your support, there is nothing we cannot achieve.

Thank you, and may the stars shine bright upon us all.


Page Under Construction. PleaWe, the proud members of Make ArcCorp Great Again (MAGA), unite under this charter to establish a formidable organization committed to excellence in trading, cargo running, mining, and salvage operations within the boundless expanse of the Star Citizen universe. Our mission is to cultivate a thriving community of industrious individuals who share a passion for economic prosperity, exploration, and safeguarding the future of ArcCorp and its inhabitants.

Article 1: Purpose and Objectives
1.1 Purpose: MAGA endeavors to establish a preeminent presence in the Star Citizen universe as a trusted and respected organization specializing in trading, cargo running, mining, and salvage endeavors. Our purpose is to excel in these fields while fostering a dynamic community that empowers and supports its members.

1.2 Objectives:
a) To conduct efficient and lucrative trading and cargo operations, facilitating the flow of goods and resources for the advancement and prosperity of MAGA.
b) To salvage valuable materials and resources from derelicts and wreckage, ensuring ethical and lawful practices are upheld at all times.
c) To provide top-notch security and protection services, safeguarding MAGA assets and personnel from external threats.
d) To cultivate a culture of unity, collaboration, and mutual assistance among MAGA members.
e) To boldly explore new frontiers, uncover hidden treasures, and expand the scope of our operations.
f) To continuously innovate and adapt our strategies, technologies, and methodologies to maintain a leading edge in our respective industries.
g) To forge alliances and partnerships with other organizations, fostering mutually beneficial relationships and opportunities for growth.

Article 2: Membership
2.1 Membership Eligibility: Membership in MAGA is open to individuals of legal age who share our vision, uphold our values, and are dedicated to actively contributing to the success of our organization.

2.2 Rights and Responsibilities:
a) Members have the right to participate in MAGA activities, voice their opinions, and engage in the decision-making process.
b) Members are responsible for upholding the principles and values of MAGA, treating fellow members with respect, and adhering to our established code of conduct.
c) Members must actively participate in MAGA operations, supporting their fellow members and leveraging their skills and expertise for the collective benefit.
d) Members are encouraged to partake in training initiatives, workshops, and events organized by MAGA to enhance their capabilities and knowledge.

Article 3: Organizational Structure
3.1 Hierarchy: MAGA operates under a structured hierarchy designed to facilitate effective coordination, communication, and decision-making. The hierarchy encompasses various divisions, departments, and ranks, each with defined roles and responsibilities.

3.2 Chain of Command: Within MAGA, a clear chain of command is established to delineate lines of authority and accountability, fostering strong leadership and organizational cohesion. Members are expected to adhere to and respect the chain of command in all operational matters.

In unity and determination, we pledge to Make ArcCorp Great Again!se check back soon!