Vraktor De Malrunwa / MALRUNWA

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Medical
  • Security

Welcome to Vraktor De Malrunwa, an org focused on Medical and Security services, we also dabble in the fields of cargo transport, salvaging, and bounty hunting.

As a member of our org, you will not have anything demanded from you, we don’t require anything of you, we only ask you to participate.



Our aim is to provide resources to Citizens on the edge of the Verse. The resources we aim to provide include, but are not limited to, ammo, medical services, refueling, repair and other such required services to make your stay in the Verse a long one.

We do not condone criminal activities but will not limit others whether inside or outside our organization to lawful activities, consequences will often be light but lasting.

The motivation we pull is of the Citizen who struggles to get by, the stranded, the injured and the threatened, our goal is to help make the Verse a safer, happier place to be.


The regulations all members must follow are as such.

#1: Avoid crime at all costs if possible, we won’t turn you in if you are not harming members of our corporation to perform such activities.

#2: Be respectful of all members of the Verse so long as they are doing nothing to harm you or your crew, or another Citizen.*

#3: Try to always watch foul language and keep it at a minimum in voice chat, not everyone is comfortable with that type of language.**

#4: If someone attacks a member of our corporation or an allied organization contact a higher ranked member to authorize hostile action against them and/or their org, we stand by our members and allies.***

* piracy is not allowed by any measure unless it is a hostile action to ransom cargo back to another hostile force, if they are a regular cargo hauler they should be left alone by all means.

** If you are with a group in voice chat that has made it clear they are comfortable with it, you are in the clear to speak as you wish, if someone asks you to stop you are heavily encouraged to do so.

*** An exception to this rule is as follows: If you are in the situation as it happens, you are weapons free to stop and/or react to the hostile force.