Mandal Hypernautics / MANDALHYPE

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Exclusive
  • Freelancing
  • Social

We fly together with our brothers in arms, from system to system and do what we want, where we want, because, no one can take the sky from us

Wir fliegen zusammen mit unseren Waffenbrüdern von System zu System und tun was wir wollen, wo wir es wollen, denn niemand kann uns den Himmel nehmen


Mandal Hypernautics was founded in august 2016 by a group of pilots, with a sense of freedom unlike any other. Our interests are broad and therefore, we aren’t specialised. Be it cargo hauling, exploration or guard duty. We are ready for everything.
While we are not many, our will is strong, and we will fly together and fight together to protect our spot amongst the stars.


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