Mandalorian Enclave / MANDAYAIM

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Family is more than Blood.


Mandalorian Empire History is Coming Soon.

In the Mandalorian Empire, we are using Discord as a form of Communication, The Discord page is still under construction I will provide a link below if you wish to join and stay in contact during the completion of the RSI HomePage as well as The completion of The Mandalorian Empire Web page. I am currently working on the RSI Spectrum Forums.

Discord Sever
Mandalorian Empire Web Page is nearly finished
Mandalorian Empire Google Plus Work in Progress
Mandalorian Empire Facebook Page Work in Progress
Mandalorian Empire YouTube No videos uploaded at this time.


About us
Welcome to the Mandalorian Empire, we are a Clan based society that thrives on combat perfection in that have made us a lot of enemies due to some of the ruthless methods that we use to succeed. However, there are many those around the Universe that respect what we do and how we do it without hesitation.
Mandalore the leader of the Mandalorian Empire unified the Mandalorian Clans and Houses under a unified banner that the Mandalorians could call their own.

Governing System

The Mandalorian Empire aims to unify the other Mandalorian Clans to belong to one centralize governing system rather than becoming separate factions that will eventually kill themselves off or disrupt our main goals. The Mandalorian Empire is a Clan based society that allows Clans to be formed when they wish to create a new Clan, however, the Clan leaders must first apply for a Clan License after they have fully completed the Clan Registration Form. The Clan License is a monthly fee paid to keep their Clan active within the Empire, the Clans will not be charged anything until their Clan is ready to begin operating.
In the Mandalorian Empire, you already know that we are a Clan based society, however, what you were not informed is that any Clan that wishes to align with another Clan they are fully capable of doing so, the coalition of Clans is called a House. In the Mandalorian Empire, each House has the right to govern themselves and the Clans under them. Each House has required far stricter restrictions than the Clans because it is the Houses that interact with the Mandalorian Government. Each Clan under a certain House has a representative from their Clan to keep all proceedings fair so that no Clan out weights another. When a House is required to make a decision, all members of their committee must be in agreeance before the House can present their decision, if they can not come to an agreement, the committee will continue to debate until a decision is made.
In the Mandalorian Empire, there is more than one way to resolve a debate,

1. By Legal means(normal means to dispute a disagreement )
2. By means of Combat( when a House cannot come to an agreement and the tension leads to a fight, it is legal to declare a duel with the House you failed to agree peacefully with, the victor of the duel is deemed right in the debate).
In the Mandalorian Empire, any inquiries must be submitted to Mandalorian Protectors to review once the Protector’s have reviewed the inquiries of the Houses the Protectors present all inquiries from the Houses that are for the good of the Empire to Mandalore for final judgment.


In the Mandalorian Empire, the Mandalorian Military is not a single Division, each Clan holds their own Security Force (This contains ground units and air units for security purposes) each House combines each Clans Security Force as that Houses Defence Force( This is that houses Military Force, when called to arms by Mandalore, the combined Military Forces of all the Houses form the entire Mandalorian Military)
In the Mandalorian Empire, there are more than one type Military Faction,

1. Military; (Department of Defence) (If you choose to join the Military we have it already planned out, just awaiting members to join and fill its ranks)

Mandalorian Army: Mandalorian Infantry Division:
  • 1st Division – Mobile Infantry – Fallen Angels
  • 2nd Division – Mobile Infantry – Chosen Ones

To patrol and defend bases, outposts, cities, towns, etc.
To storm enemy strongholds, ships, and bases.
To be able to adapt to a variety of climates and terrain.
To capture enemy forces.
To escort public officials to a pre-determined destination.
To act as an Internal police force when called upon.

Mandalore Armored Division:
  • 3rd Division – Heavy Armored – Stone Dragons

To transport troops in all kinds of climate and terrain as safely as possible.
To go on the offensive against all types of defensive strongholds, formations, and forces.
To patrol and defend bases, outposts, cities, towns, etc., in defense of all Mandalore Laws and Security.
To lay waste to designated cities, towns, or outposts.
To act as mobile command platforms in which unit commanders can direct the flow of battle.
To lay covering fire for advancing Infantry forces.

Mandalorian Recon Division:
  • 4th Division – Reconnaissance – Neo-Crusaders

To act as the eyes and ears of any Army unit, be it MATF (Monitoring and Assessment Task Force or Infantry.
To act as a preliminary quick strike force when needed.
To relay information on any enemy defensive information to an awaiting Mandalore unit in an offensive campaign.
To relay information on any enemy offensive information to an awaiting Mandalore unit in a defensive campaign.
To patrol and defend bases, outposts, cities, towns, etc. when called upon.

Mandalorian Navy; Mandalorian Fleets:
  • Mandalore 1st Fleet – Iron Hammers
  • Mandalore 2nd Fleet – P’sh’yea’s Pride
  • Mandalore 4th Fleet – A’den Kotra
Mandalore Escort Fleet:
  • Mandalore 3rd Fleet – Shadow Strikers
Mandalore Fighter groups:
  • Starfighter Operations 1st Wing – Blak’sad Fighter Group
  • Starfighter Operations 3rd Wing – Phoenix Fighter Group
Mandalore Bomber Groups:
  • Starfighter Operations 2nd Wing – Mek’leth Fighter Group
Mandalorian Escort Fighter Groups:
  • Starfighter Operations 4th Wing – Pr`tsy Fighter Group

Mandalorian Empire Contactor services

Mandalorian Mercenaries:
(Some Mandalorians do not wish to be defined by strict military regulations that are tied with the Mandalorian Military, and wish to fight as they see fit to.)

Mandalorian Bounty Hunters:
(Some Mandalorians do not wish to be defined by strict Laws and regulations that are tied with the Mandalorian Empire, and wish to enforce the Laws as they see fit to.)

Mandalorian Freelancers:
(Some Mandalorians do not wish to be defined by strict Procedures and regulations that are tied with the Mandalorian

3. Mandalorian Mercenaries (Hired warriors that often works as a bodyguard or hired thugs /enforcers and etc…)
-Mandalorian Mercenaries manage enclaves or outposts.
4. Bounty Hunters ( hired killers to hunt down enemies of the empire that does not require the entire Mandalorian Military involved, often hired to collect fees owed to the Empire by its members, affiliates or any others that they are hired to kill or collect and etc…)
-Bounty Hunters manage their own guild.

Mandalorian Empire Academy (WIP) (Department of Education)

In the Mandalorian Empire, all Mandalorians must first attend the Mandalorian Academy, regardless of what occupational field they go into. Each Mandalorian is first and foremost a warrior before anything else.
In the Mandalorian Empire, all Mandalorians who choose to join the Military must choose what branch they wish to join. Once they picked a Branch, they will be sent to the Bootcamp for that corresponding Branch so that they will be given the highest possible training designed especially for that certain branch.
In the Mandalorian Empire, all Mandalorians will be taught out to save a life as well as take a life, for those few Mandalorians who choose to save lives rather than take it may join the Medical Field and become Mandalorian Doctors and Field Medic’s. In the Mandalorian Naval Medical Institution, you will be taught everything needed to save the lives of our Mandalorians in and out of combat, as-well-as assist our affiliates.

Mandalorian Empire Naval Medical Corps: (WIP)
In the Mandalorian Empire, not every Mandalorian’s main role involved combat, few choose to save lives rather than take them.
The Mandalorian Medical Division is linked to the Mandalorian Navy, the few Mandalorians that choose to lay down arms to take up the healing arts, that are members of the Mandalorian Navy must first attend the Mandalorian Naval Medical Institution before being allowed to become Mandalorian Doctors or Field Medics.


In the Mandalorian Empire, many Mandalorians Left our home system to seek new opportunities throughout the Universe. These Mandalorians were mostly cartographers, making detailed maps for the rest of the Mandalorians to use when they are out in the Universe on jobs or off duty.
The Mandalorian cartographers are linked to the Mandalorian Recon Division of the Mandalorian Army.

Mandalorian Empire Commerce (Department of Finance)

In the Mandalorian Empire, not all Mandalorians were Warriors or Doctors, If it was not for the Mandalorian Department of Finance, the Mandalorians only income would mainly fall to the Mandalorian Mercenaries and Bounty Hunters.
In the Mandalorian Empire, the Mandalorian Department of Finance deals with many different Commerce Section. These sections include the following.

Trading: This is the art of distributing goods on a large scale
  • Internal Trading
  • External Trading
  • Customs and Border Protection
Manufacturing: This is the art of crafting new items to be used by our Organization as-well-as other Organizations and players
  • Mandal Motors
  • Mandal Arms
  • Capital Goods
  • Consumer Goods
Resource Collection: The act of collecting raw materials used by the Manufacturing Department
  • Asteroid Mining
  • Planetary Mining
  • Planetary Resources

The act of recovering battle wreckage or scavenging derelict ships for useful materials and items.

The act of taking back our ships or items from members who can not afford the payments of them.

The act of taking over another player ship or items (after a battle, ships and items that are left intact may be taken over by our Organization, after the enemy has been routed).

Mandalorian Empire Media:(WIP)Department of Public Relations)
  • Mandalorian Empire Video Media:
    • YouTube
    • Twitch
    • More to come soon
  • Mandalorian Empire Audio Media
    • Podcasts
  • Mandalorian Empire Text Media
    • Facebook
    • Twitter
    • Reddit
    • More to come soon
Mandalorian Empire Department of Extrenal Relations:
  • Diplomacy
Mandalorian Empire Department of Internal Relations:
  • Human Resource


In the Mandalorian Empire, all Mandalorians must abide by the following.

1. Mandalore laws – Code of Honor
2. Mandalorian Code – The Resol’nare
3. Mandalore juridical system

1. Mandalore laws – Code of Honor:
The Code of Honor describes what a Mandalorian is.

Strength is life, for the strong have the right to rule.
Those who would turn their Strength against their Brothers are Soulless. Robbery, Battery, Vandalism, Extortion, and Abuse are punishable crimes against Strength.

Shuk’la Kot:
Robbery: taking anything of value by means of force or fear, with the intent to permanently deprive the owner of that property.
Battery: the use of force against another, resulting in harmful contact.
Vandalism: deliberate destruction or damage to public or private property.
Extortion: gaining anything of value by any kind of force or threat.
Abuse: conduct which annoys, threatens, intimidates, alarms or puts another person in fear.

Honor is life, for with no honor one may as well be dead.
Those who cast their Dignity aside are Soulless. Theft, Trespassing, Fraud, Conversion, and Perjury are punishable crimes against Honor.

Shuk’la Ijaat:
Theft: taking anything of value, with the intent to permanently deprive the owner of that property.
Trespassing: knowingly entering another person’s property without consent.
Fraud: the intentional use of deception, tricks or dishonest means to deprive another of their property or rights.
Conversion: depriving a property owner of anything of value without the owner’s consent.
Perjury: the intentional assertion of false statements.

Loyalty is life, for without one’s clan/family one has no purpose.
Those who cast their Brothers aside are Soulless. Treason, Conspiracy, Embezzlement, Bribery, Disobedience, and Desertion are punishable crimes against Loyalty, as is the failure to honor the Resol’nare.

Shuk’la Verburyc:
Treason: betrayal, treachery, or breach of allegiance with Mandalore.
Conspiracy: an agreement between two or more people to commit a criminal act.
Embezzlement: the fraudulent taking of anything of value by someone to whom it was entrusted.
Bribery: the offering or acceptance of anything of value in exchange for influence on a government or public official.
Disobedience: failure or refusal to comply with lawful orders.
Desertion: the abandonment of a duty or post without consent.

Death is life, one should die as they have lived.
Those who deny their Foes a Beautiful Death are Soulless. Murder, Kidnapping, and Cowardice are punishable crimes against Death.

Shuk’la Kyr’am:
Murder: the unlawful killing of another person.
Kidnapping: confining or transporting another person against their will.
Cowardice: fleeing in the face of the enemy or surrendering against orders.

2. Mandalorian Code – The Resol’nare, or Six Actions.
TheThe Resol’nare defines what a Mandalorian does.

(Wear armor)
Once Mandalorians reach adulthood, they assemble a suit of armor that suits their needs and skills and wear it in public through their daily lives. This armor serves as a tool, a visual designation of their status as warriors and a symbol of their clan and cultural identity. When among outsiders, many Mandalorians will not even remove their helmets. It is encouraged that Mandalorians always wear his or her armor and be ready for combat at all times.

(Raise children as Mandalorians)
It is a Mandalorian’s responsibility to raise children in the traditions of their culture and the ethos of honor and honorable warriors, thus thievery and scamming are banned. To help a rhyme was created: Ba’jur bal beskar’gam/Ara’nov, aliit,/Mando’a bal Mand’alor/—An vencuyan mhi. —- Education and armor/Self-defense, our tribe/Our language and our leader/—All help us survive.

(Help the clan to succeed)
Each individual and family is expected to contribute to the welfare and prosperity of their clan, which in turn helps provide for the family and individual as needed. This act is far from the socialist prop it first seems, as it is a necessity for a society that spends a great deal of its time at war to provide for such necessities as food, shelter and manufactured goods when a large number of a clan’s adults are on other worlds fighting.

(Defend the family)
While the Mandalorians are best known as a warrior culture, they are also fiercely family oriented. Each member of a family is expected to protect the others, ensuring the survival of not only the clan but also the culture.

(Speak Mandalorian)
While most Mandalorians know and speak Basic and other languages, all are raised speaking Mando’a, the language of the Taungs. When among themselves, they are encouraged to speak Mando’a and use the language for the naming of ships, vehicles and other equipment and assets. The language itself is very fluid and simple, reflecting the culture of which it is a part, and like the culture, it has changed very little over the centuries.

(Rally to the cause of the Mand’alor)
The welfare of the Mando’ade is of paramount importance and all warriors contribute to its defense according to the wishes of the leader of Mandalore, Mand’alor. A strong Mandalore is an invincible Mandalore.

3. Mandalore juridical system
Any Mandalorian who does not adhere to these actions may be punished by loss of command or sentenced to pay tribute to its clan and Mandalore. Final punishment includes considered asdar’manda, or ignorant of their heritage. As such, they are anathema to other Mandalorians and do not deserve to be called Mando’ade and expelled.

When a Mandalorian is accused of breaking the Mandalorian laws and its code of honor he or she will have to stand trial for the accused charges. The court procedure is as follow.
A. All charges are presented.
B. Accused announces guilty/not guilty. If announcing guilty the judges will immediately decide any punishment. Max 1 week after charges been presented.
C. If claiming not guilty the accused gets a chance to argue for his or her case and present any evidence supporting the claims. If any evidence is discovered as false or manipulated the verdict will per default immediately be guilty. Timeframe: Max 1 week.
D. Judges discuss amongst themselves which verdict and if applicable punishment shall be issued. Timeframe: Max 1 week.
E. Trial procedure(all posts/reasoning) will be made officially unless classified by theMand´alor.

For crimes considered as minor or medium, the board of judges(3 in total, all Mandalorian members) will be appointed by the Mandalorian council. If the crimes are considered as major the three judges will be members of the Mandalorian council.

The Mand’alor, or Warrior Eminence in basic, has the right to make exceptions and changes to the above-listed laws and regulations without any prior notification. Per Mandalorian Constitution, the Warrior Eminence and the Triad have the ultimate right to order the arrest and/or execution of an-Mandalorians without a formal trial.