Massively Overpowered / MASSIVELY

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Smuggling

Think you’ve got what it takes to fly alongside Stick and Rudder’s Jef Reahard and the Massively backup dancers? You probably do, provided you’ve got a pulse and a ship! Join us and get in on the ground floor with the orneriest bunch of brigands in the ‘verse.


Massively Overpowered is the official Star Citizen organization for readers of

Massively is an enthusiast blog focused on the massively multiplayer genre of online gaming. In addition to providing the latest news, we produce informative and entertaining editorials, guides, features, livestreams, podcasts, and more, all from writers dedicated to playing and writing about massively multiplayer online video games. The blog was founded in November of 2007 as part of America Online’s Joystiq network, which also includes Joystiq and WoW Insider. We pride ourselves on upholding a strict set of ethical standards that aren’t found at traditional games media outlets.


Find a crew, find a job, keep flying.


To be determined by the membership.