MercenaryS / MCY

  • PMC
  • Hardcore
  • Exclusive
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Exploration

The Star Citizen branch of online gaming community MercenaryS, as seen in Planetside, Planetside 2, and Global Agenda.

Visit us on Discord


Who are the MercenaryS?

We are first and foremost a community. We come together to play our games in a co-operative and successful way while having fun. We span many countries with members from all walks of life and nearly all of our members are 25+. We started out in 2002 in Operation Flashpoint playing successfully in competitive ladders.

Planetside came along in 2003 which quickly turned into our main focus. We became recognised as perhaps the best EU NC outfit and arguably the best EU outfit across all factions.

In Global Agenda we were again a formidable presence, winning most of the seasons of the EU region in the first year after the title launched

We have some 200 community members across many games and our Planetside 2 outfit has around 40 highly active members. We would like to have 25+ people on during the prime time hours so recruitment is currently selectively open.

Our Wiki to summarise who we are:


MercenaryS is a multigaming community who thrive on competitive aspects such as the occasion team vs. team matches and for pure enjoyment of game.

Our role within Star Citizen is not set in stone due to only so much being known about the game in which we hope to settle into, but at this point, we will hope to be a quiet fleet casually drifting around looking for a home and collecting materials.
