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The Militia / MEATHEAD

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Exploration

“Militia life ain’t pretty, but when the UEE’s too busy pushin’ paperwork, it’s us who keep the ‘verse safe, citizen or not.” -Meathead…maybe…we don’t really know but it sounded good


The Frontier’s Defenders (26th Century):

2521: The Vanduul Wars begin. The UEE struggles to contain the threat on the lawless fringes. Fear and a lack of resources cripple frontier defenses.

Mid-26th Century: Colonists on the fringes, far from UEE control, form paramilitary groups out of desperation. These scrappy fighters, fueled by ingenuity and a fierce need to survive, lay the groundwork for what will become The Militia.

Renegades With a Cause (27th Century):

2681: The Dell Township Raid ignites a firestorm. Perceived apathy from the UEE pushes colonists to unite their ragtag militias into a more formal force.

2712: The Vanduul threat intensifies, mirroring the growing corruption within the Messer regime. The Militia emerges as a beacon of hope, offering protection with a gruff charm and unorthodox tactics. Strong leaders like General Jaina Arvakian and Marshal Pavel Serov guide the fledgling Militia through these turbulent times.

A Coalition Forged (28th & 29th Century):

2773: The Militia’s first unified squadrons take flight under the leadership of Admiral Sarah “Corsair” Root. Utilizing salvaged ships and unconventional tactics that defy UEE doctrine, they target not just Vanduul raiders, but also corrupt UEE officials hoarding resources. Whispers circulate about stolen supplies mysteriously appearing at struggling outposts.

28th Century: The Militia walks a tightrope. Their effectiveness is undeniable, but their methods are controversial. The UEE adopts a complex approach, sometimes accepting their aid against common foes while dispatching task forces to rein in their more audacious operations.
2946: The UEE’s desperation in the Vanduul War leads to the Military Modernization Initiative (MMI). The Militia, ever the opportunistic group, exploits loopholes to bolster their ranks with surplus military hardware. This further blurs the lines between sanctioned defenders and chaotic champions.

The Unruly Guardians (30th Century):

Present Day: Enter Meathead, a rising UEE war hero with a knack for unorthodox tactics and a personality that clashes with authority. Ostracized for his methods, he finds himself on the fringe world of Angeli. There, he encounters the Militia, impressed by their legacy and potential. With his charisma and strategic brilliance, Meathead unites the various Militia groups under a single, stronger banner. The Militia’s effectiveness and notoriety soar under his leadership, solidifying their place as the wild card of the UEE. While they cooperate with the UEE when necessary, their true loyalty lies with the vulnerable frontier communities. They provide a haven for those ostracized by the Empire, a thorn in the side of the corrupt, and a beacon of hope for those struggling to survive on the fringes.


Out there, on the fringes of the UEE, beyond the reach of fat bureaucrats and self-serving nobles, we fight for survival. We are The Militia, a band of brothers and sisters forged in the fires of hardship. We are the shield for the forgotten, the voice for the silenced, and the thorn in the side of the corrupt.

The UEE Navy? They play war games while Vanduul fangs tear into honest folk. They hoard resources while outposts crumble. We say enough!

We fight for what’s right, not what regulations dictate. We bend the rules, yes, but never break them for personal gain. Our salvaged ships and unorthodox tactics might make some chuckle, but they get the job done. We are the Robin Hoods of the stars, taking from the fat cats and giving to the starving outposts.

Here’s what we believe in:

Frontier Freedom: The UEE may claim dominion, but the Verse belongs to those who carve a life out of its harsh embrace. We fight for the right of frontier communities to govern themselves and defend their own.

Mutual Respect: We fight alongside anyone willing to stand against the Vanduul menace or the UEE’s greed. We offer a home to veterans cast out for their unorthodox methods and to those ostracized by the Empire’s rigid system.

Results Over Regulations: We get things done. We may not follow every UEE rule to the letter, but our actions speak for themselves. We protect the vulnerable, and that’s what matters.

Are you tired of empty promises from the fat cats in the Core? Are you a spacer with a thirst for justice and a knack for improvisation? Then join The Militia! We are the future of the Verse, a chaotic good force fighting for a better tomorrow.

Together, we stand. Together, we fight. Together, we forge a future worthy of the blood, sweat, and tears spilled on the fringes!

For the Militia! For the Verse!


Meathead and the ragtag crew who make this damn thing work.


I. The Mission

The Militia is a formidable force, a vanguard forged in the fires of the frontier. We stand as a shield for the forgotten communities and a defiant fist against corruption and neglect. Beyond the reach of bloated bureaucracies, we operate as the law where there is none, striking with swift justice for those the UEE abandons.

II. The Code: A Militia’s Creed

Frontier Freedom: We uphold the right of frontier settlements to self-governance and self-defense. We fight for their autonomy and empower them to chart their own destinies, free from the UEE’s suffocating control.

Pragmatic Protectors: Results reign supreme. We prioritize the safety of vulnerable populations on the fringes, employing any effective means necessary. Adaptability is key; regulations take a backseat to protecting lives.

A Force for All: The Militia welcomes anyone willing to fight the Vanduul menace and defend the fringes. Skill and dedication are the hallmarks of a true Militiaman, regardless of background or past allegiances. Veterans cast out by the UEE and spacers yearning for justice will find a home among us.

Mutual Respect and Open Communication: We operate as a cohesive unit, built on unwavering loyalty, open communication, and respect for each member’s strengths. Disagreements are settled within the ranks, with leadership making the final call for the good of the whole.
Calculated Action and Honor: Our actions are deliberate and measured. While we strike with decisive force against the wicked, innocent lives are never collateral damage. Spoils are divided fairly after each operation, with a portion dedicated to supporting struggling frontier outposts.

III. Membership: Standing with the Militia

Membership in The Militia is a privilege earned, not a right bestowed. Potential recruits are evaluated based on their skills, experience, moral compass, and ability to work seamlessly within a squad. New members undergo a rigorous training program, honing their combat abilities and solidifying their understanding of the Code. Only those who embody the spirit of the Militia – resilient, adaptable, and fiercely loyal – can join the ranks.

*IV. Leadership: United Under a Leader
The Militia is led by a single leader, chosen through a vote by all active members. This leader plans operations, allocates resources, and ensures the Militia functions as a well-oiled machine.

V. Termination of Membership: A Broken Bond

Any member who violates the Code, betrays the trust of the Militia, or acts in a way that jeopardizes its reputation faces immediate expulsion. Disloyalty severs the bond that binds us, and such actions cannot be tolerated.

VI. The Future: Adapting to the Verse

We are a living code, constantly evolving to meet the ever-changing realities of the Verse. This Charter can be amended by a two-thirds vote of active members. Proposed changes are openly discussed and circulated beforehand, ensuring The Militia remains a relevant and adaptable force.

By signing this Charter, I pledge my unwavering loyalty to The Militia and commit to upholding its principles with unwavering resolve. I understand the risks involved and accept the consequences of any actions that violate the Code. Together, we will be the guardians of the fringes, the champions of frontier freedom, and a beacon of hope in the vast expanse of the Verse.