Medical Rescue Assocation / MEDRA

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Transport
  • Freelancing

Welcome to Medical Rescue Association. We are an organization whose sole purpose is to educate and certify players on the game mechanics and practical application of being a medic and/or rescue pilot within the Star Citizen universe through the application of specific course work.


The Medical Rescue Association (MEDRA) is strictly a certification system that enables other organizations, governments and military entities to know that it’s medical professionals meet a minimum technical knowledge and have a base proficiency with operations involving the management of wounded space persons.

We aspire to no political or ideological views and do not endorse any. Our organization is mostly composed of affiliated members who desire to become more proficient and knowledgeable and to pass that knowledge on to others.

Aside from specific in-game courses pertaining the medical science within Star Citizen we do not have any organized events or other in-game content. This should not be anyone’s primary guild excepting the case where willing full time instructors would be needed to provide course content to the community.

Our certified members are only certified to have the basic knowledge and technical skills contained within our course content and we are not responsible for any certified person’s action or lack of action.


Outline of organizational content Any input into this document is welcome if you are serious about influencing the development of the MRA please message LE-04!

(Healing Your Spaceman) current state of health/healing in Star Citizen

Our primary ship for medical operations: (Cutlass Red)