Mercurian Logistics / MERCURIAN

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Transport
  • Freelancing

Speed. Adaptation. Mercurian.


  • July 27, 2880 – Thomas Mercurian founds Mercurian Logistics™ on Terra.
  • February 16, 2885 – First Major contract.
  • January 29, 2892 – The company is able to establish an office and a presence in the Sol system.
  • January 1, 2895 – Became a publicly traded company. Majority of shares were still held by Thomas Mercurian.
  • October 15, 2903 – Due to large success and aggressive marketing campaigns, bought out competitor, AG Shipping.
  • March 10, 2912 – Shift in business approach to a favor more distributive model that would favor smaller and more exclusive contracts.
  • April 20, 2939 – Thomas Mercurian dies. His son, James Mercurian, becomes majority shareholder.
  • September 12, 2941 – Mercurian Logistics™ sells most of major assets and becomes privatized – part of several decisions made to stay afloat.
  • May 19, 2944 – Several weeks after the last spotting of James Mercurian, Felix Baley is given charge over the company.


Modern business has come so far. Companies span planets and even star systems. R&D may be light years from marketing, while accounting may be on the next planet. How is a fledgling business supposed to handle those distances? How can an established franchise minimize hangar upkeep and ship maintenance?

You have a problem. We are the solution. You need something delivered, and we are the people who can plan, secure, and deliver it.

We are Mercurian Logistics™, a company dedicated to bridging the gap. Whether it’s that new prototype you need transported without being seen, or that first shipment of your new product – we are the solution. With dedicated security and top of the line ships, you don’t have to worry if your shipment will be on time.


Article I: Mission Statement

  • Our vision is to realize the tremendous potential of Mercurian Logistics™ by providing transportation services that consistently meet our customers’ expectations.

Article II: Scope and Purpose

  • As one of the Empire’s leading shipment corporations, it is our goal to expand and strengthen the UEE by providing secure and efficient solutions for shipping and transportation. In addition, our specialized departments are working on expanding the Empire’s place in the galaxy through new developments and repurposing materials.

Article lll: Organization and Division of Responsibility

  • Shipping (Hermes) Division
    • This section is directly supervised by the CEO Felix Baley, and is the core division of the company. It comprises roughly fifty percent of the company. Its main affairs involve the secure transportation of goods between locations.
  • Research & Development (Hephaestus) Division
    • The primary goal of this support division is research and development. They focus on creating and implementing cutting edge technology into every aspect of the corporation. It accounts for roughly ten percent of the company.
  • Logistics and Acquisition (Artemis) Division
    • The Artemis division represents the logistics and acquisition sections of the corporation. This advisory branch deals with everything from acquiring new parts, to making new contracts. Its size is about twenty percent of the company.
  • Security (Athena) Division
    • This core part of the company deals with matters involving security and security contracting. They plot out and ensure safe travel for our shipments. It comprises roughly twenty percent of the company.

Article IV: Organization Operations

  • Primary decision-making power in a division defaults to the division head.
    • In cases involving multiple divisions the decision defaults to the CEO.
  • The CEO has executive authority in all matters related to the company
  • This can be overridden by a three-fourths majority vote by the board.
    • A vote may be taken if a motion is proposed by a member of the board and seconded by a different member.
  • Disputes between employees will be settled by an arbiter appointed by Mercurian Logistics™
    • Disputes between employees and Mercurian Logistics™ will be settled by a third party arbiter.