Mercury Inc. / MERCURYINC

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Exploration

Attention all company members and affiliates

With the new updates coming to Star Citizen I would like to start meeting some of you in game and start teaming up. Please read the company’s updated charter for more info.




NA East Time Zone (GMT -5)
Founded February, 11, 2014 by Nick4296


Mercury Inc. strives to push the boundaries of the galaxy to find rare metals, lost technology, and more. Mercury Inc. is a business inspired by the motivation of making money and having fun with friends. All employees are promised a voice in the company and has the same ability to change the company as board members and directors.

Current Objectives:
1. Hire new employees
2. Reach out to other businesses

Current Projects:
1. Drafting formal mission statement
2. Drafting formal vision statement

Looking for Chief of Commercials Officer to:
1. Create logo
2. Create marketing plan
3. Revise mottos and slogan
4. Start Youtube channel
5. Create website

Logo will most likely be changed in future. We are open for any suggestion from all employees.


ATTENTION *[ With update 3.0 coming soon I will be adding all employees and affiliates to my friends list so we can start meeting in game and start organizing the company. Please message me if there are any times you would like to play. I hope we can organize our first squad soon. please feel free to add me to your contacts list.

Mercury inc has a primary goal of providing a safe, reliable and respected technique of collecting, storing, and selling rare merchandise. Members will be assembled into squads to preform all tasks required to reach corporations goal.


I. Joining rules
A) All applications submitted will be reviewed by board members.
B) Fees for joining corporation will be waved while corporation is in state of growth. (ALL MEMBERS WILL JOIN FOR FREE WHILE GAME IS IN DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICANT REACHES BOARD MEMBER STANDARDS FOR JOINING).
C) Must be 16+.

II. Squad functions
A) Each squad will have member/members to perform a role required. All tasks can be broken down to have multiple members and squads do not (currently) have a limited amount of members. One squad member may preform more than one role. Squad roles: 1. Explorer (runner)- responsible for searching for materials that are designed by squad. Mapping of solar systems. Records and informs corporation of found jump points. 2. Fighter (muscle)- protects explorers and traders of squad (use of mercenary’s is NOT prohibited for squads however funding’s for mercenary’s may not be provided by corporation). 3. Transporter(carrier)-provides transportation of goods and fuel for squad. 4. Merchant(trader)- responsible for transactions from squad to customer (all transactions must be approved by the squad leader). 5. Squad leader- voted leader from other members of squad(must be approved by board member). Squads will always have the right to appoint leader however board members reserve the right to appoint appropriate squad leaders if need be. Squad leader is charged with the duty of distribution of wealth among the squad.
B) All squads are required to wear Mercury Inc. emblems however have the right to design and use “Squad Marks” to identify ranks, classes, and squad logos. All squad logos, and ranks must be approved by board members. (THIS IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WHILE GAME IS STILL IN DEVELOPMENT).

III. Squad rules
A) Employees will always have the right to leave and join squads at all times as well as change squad roles.
B) Upon being hired employees will have the option to join desired squads (If employee does not have desired squad they will be assigned and appropriate squad).
C) Squads are required to pay fees to corporation for trades, money raised for corporation will be used for the corporation only and will not go to board members. If corporations are given the ability to have separate financial account, rules for corporation account usage will be described below.
D) Distribution of wealth accumulated from trades will be determine among squads.

IV. Corporation Funds
A) The corporation will have multiple ways to raise funds such as joining fees and sales fees.
B) All UEC raised for the company will be used to benefit the corporation and NOT for individual gain.
C) Funds made by the corporation will be used for some of the following examples: 1. Paying insurance for employees. 2. Paying for Ships and other technology that can improve all employees time spent working with the corporation. 3. Possible salary for employees. 4. Third party expenses that may occur.
D) All transactions that occur must be approved by all board members.
E) All employees have the right to know of any transaction by the corporation.

V. Ranking System
A) Affiliate (Rank 0)- a member of the corporation that does not partake in any day-to-day jobs. These members will not be giving any benefits from the corporation that an employee or higher ranking member would receive, at the same time is not expected to contribute to any business affairs.
B)Employee (Rank 1)- a member of the corporation that may have assigned “duties” needed to complete their job. Any active member of the corporation will automatically be giving employee status. Employees and any all members of the corporation “Rank 1” and higher will receive any benefits the company can offer, employees “Rank 1” and higher also have the right to partake in business affairs.
C)Squad Leader (Rank 2)- Squad leaders will be in charge of an assigned group of employees. Squad leaders will be required to account for all expenses and or revenues his/her squad encounters while completing any assignments
D) Squad Manager (Rank 3)- Squad managers will be giving the task of managing all assigned squads. Squad managers will report all business expense acquired from assigned squads to the Director of Funds or any head board members. Squad leaders will also have the ability to promote an employee to the rank of Squad leader with consulting the Director of Human Resources,or any head board members.
E) Assistant Director (Rank 4)- Assistant directors will be assigned to help there corresponding Director.
F) Director (Rank 5)- Directors will be hired by the head board members to preform any affair relating to the management of corporate funds, supplies and, personnel. Directors have the ability to appoint an Assistant Director if they require additional help.