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Immersion / MERSION

  • Organization
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Trading

Auric Empire Established Immersion During The 42nd Era War, The Great War Was Financed By The Emperor Himself, The Universe Is Divided Amongst Other Nations, Making Auric Empire The Biggest And Most Profitable With The Microtech Corporation As Its Largest Sharehold In The Universe.


Roi Empereur (King Emperor) He Is The 1000th In His Family Bloodline To Reign Over Auric Empire, After The Great Depression Of New Eden, The Pandemic Horde Aliens Were Destroyed, With New Eden Left On The Verge Of Complete Destruction With Limited Resource And Rogue Aliens From The Chan Klan Infestation New Eden Was Considered To Be A Desolate No Go Zone.

Auric Empire Migrated To Ankh Universe, And Formed Microtech In Stanton, This Is Considered To Be The Empire’s Capital Region..

Long Live The One True Empereur!!


Roi Empereur, Long Live The One True Empereur! His Agenda Is To Explore The Entire Universe To Expand Auriccarians Wealth, Power And Control Over The Entire Universe.


To Believe In The One True Empereur, The True Ruler Of Ankh Universe, To Explore The Universe With Initiative And Honor, In His Majesty’s Name.