• Organization
  • Casual
  • Trading
  • Resources

Migrant Merchants are a cooperative organization for the purpose of connecting and networking among fellow traders, gatherers and workers.
We aim to extend our reach far and wide for the purpose of prosperity and memes.

An affiliate ORG that connects fellow tradesmen with & for work in the ‘Verse.


An organization with relatively short history, formed by a band of likeminded entrepreneurs that had grown tired of the rigid and totalitarian megacorps watching and directing their every move. The cooperative nature of this collaboration has quickly attracted more men and alien alike to join.


Formed upon the ideas of freedom and cooperation between all parties, Migrant Merchants aims to promote assistance and collaboration between its members for the benefit of all involved. Men and alien alike, all who share these ideals in the pursuit of fortune are welcome in our ranks.

Prosperity as our goal, wandering as our way.


Rules of collaboration:

1. Fair work should be rewarded with fair compensation.
2. Honour the terms of your partnership, lest it turns sour.
3. Leave your drama on your home planet, space is not big enough for it.