The Ministry of Colonial Order / MINIPAX

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

Motto: Security, Safety, Order and Peace, by any means necessary!


The Ministry of Colonial Order is an organization founded as a forward operating military, police and security force by the UEE under the command of former UEEMC Colonel R. Cardith, after several incidents within the ‘edge world’ colonies led to a moderate public outcry for something to be done. The Ministry was founded on December 25th, 2933 after the incident of New Moscow led to the destruction of the colony, and a good 100,000 approximate people dying after a total of 57,000 people narrowly escaped with their lives in tact.

The Ministry is not only naval pilots, marines, police and PMC fighters. They also employ former pirates, bounty hunters, security specialists, hackers, smugglers, and other walks of life no real organization would dare think would be ‘in the law abiding right’ in this day and age. The entirety of The Ministry has of course, held a strict core ethos to itself, negating any “horrible acts of violence” against itself and others in the face of speculation they may not follow the law directly according to the UEE.

However, within the facet of their Law Abiding activities, there have been instances of those that have been arrested, killed, or otherwise disposed of before, during, or after incidents of piracy, murder, illegal trade and smuggling through territories no one dares enter.

They have been described as “Roving White-hats” at times, due to the uniform policy that they uphold within their organization, a mixture between white, black, and red uniforms being seen within the organizational ranks when in Dress Attire, and varying dramatically from environment to environment within their own right. The organization in itself [The Ministry] has an unknown membership number, yet is said to be anywhere near 300 people, to as outstanding as 65,000 strong in their own ranks.

Only one way for someone to learn the truth about the organization and it’s internal workings is to join… or somehow hack their computer systems and gain access that way. The UEE in itself seems to be tight lipped about it, therefore, any information is speculative and debatable about how such a place even works in the first place…




Here are some rules to follow, simple, to the point, and easy to remember. So let us try to not end up being some gigantic clusterbomb that we cannot avoid, alright?

1. Show Respect to everyone
2. Don’t be a jerk
3. Leave the noobs alone, unless they attack
4. Know-it-alls don’t know everything
5. Different Boats for different Folks